13.11 Use of Electronic Devices by Staff and Visitors

Chapter 13
Section 11
Subject 13.11 Use of Electronic Devices by Staff and Visitors
Effective Date 6/26/2024 12:00 AM

Personal Electronic Devices / Items include but are not limited to cell phones, radios, mp3 players, video equipment, videos/movies, CDs/tapes, headphones or any other personal electronic media device.

  1. In order to maintain a safe, secure and well supervised facility, personally owned cellular telephones, pagers, electronic gaming devices, and other mobile communication devices, are not permitted to be used in the intake, holding, living areas or facility yard of the Juvenile Hall (Chief Probation Officer, Chief Deputies, Supervising Deputy Probation Officers, Department Administrative Supervisors/Managers, and Information Technology staff are exempt).  County owned desk top computers may be used for official/work related purposes only.

  2. Visitors will be advised by staff that cellular phones, pagers or other mobile communication devices are not permitted in the designated areas specified in 13.11.1. (County management and supervisory employees, County Maintenance staff, Communications, and Information Technology staff are exempt)

  3. Exempt Probation and county staff should “silence” cellular phones, pagers, and other mobile communication devices when in the facility living units.

  4. Staff may keep their personal cellular phone, pager, or other mobile device in their assigned locker or cubby while on duty.

  5. Access to the Internet is not permitted in any area of the Juvenile Hall without authorization from a Supervising Deputy Probation Officer

  6. Staff may utilize personal electronic devices while on breaks, away from any area where youth are.   i.e. in the staff training room, or break room.

  7. Personal laptop computers and electronic reading devices, i.e. a “Kindle” are allowed on the living units while youth are in their rooms after “lights out.”  Such devices may be used for word processing and reading only.  Electronic games, movies, or audio devices etc. are not allowed.   

  8. Any device that emits any audio is prohibited, i.e. a laptop computer programmed to play music, an mp3, etc.

  9. The wearing of headphones, “ear buds” or any implement that could obstruct a staff member’s ability to hear is prohibited.