6.6 Correspondence Pursuant to Section 1375

Chapter 6
Section 6.6
Subject 6.6 Correspondence Pursuant to Section 1375
Effective Date 4/30/2024 12:00 AM

6.6 Correspondence Pursuant to Section 1375

  1. The youth’ constitutional rights to send and receive mail shall not be violated at any time. 

  2. There is no limitation on the volume of mail that youth may send or receive

  3. Youth may send one letter per day postage free. 

  4. Youth may correspond confidentially with state and federal courts, any member of the State Bar or holder of public office, Board and officials of the detaining authority. Facility staff may be, with the authorization of the Chief Deputy and/or his/her designee, authorized to open and inspect such mail only to search for contraband and in the presence of the youth. This requirement is set by case law and not subject to interpretation.


  • All written correspondence entering the facility from an attorney to a youth, must be contained in a clearly labeled and sealable envelope. Labeling shall include the Attorney’s name, youth’s name, and a designation that the materials enclosed are from an attorney. 
  • These materials shall be stored in the youth’s personal property and may not be taken onto a living unit.
  • Youth may review material in the presence of their attorney; and 
  • Youth may review materials from their attorney in an off unit visiting room (Visiting 1-3) only. 
  • Immediately upon a youth’s completion of review, the envelope of materials must be returned to the youth’s personal property bag.