Stream Gauge
Stream Gauge

Upcoming Outage for Stream, Rain, and Reservoir Level Real-Time Reporting

Author: Public Works
Date: 7/14/2022 2:40 PM

The San Luis Obispo Water Conservation and Flood Control District is planning a network outage to upgrade the Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time (ALERT) flood warning system at rain and stream gauge stations in the County of San Luis Obispo on July 18, 2022.

Live data transmitting to the website for rain, stream, and reservoir levels will be off-line. Live reservoir level data is anticipated to return to service on July 29, 2022. The majority of stream and rain data will be transmitting real-time by September 2022. The project is expected to be complete by November 2022. Please see map for specific locations.

The ALERT upgrade will optimize the transmission of real-time data over the stream and rain gauge monitoring network, enhance flood preparedness, improve operational response to flood emergencies, align agencies to ensure better support during flood events, and improve public safety decisions. The ALERT upgrade is funded by State Proposition 84, under the Flood Emergency Response Grants (FERG) Program.

For more information, please contact Catherine Martin at (805) 781-5275.