Road Closure for Storm Debris Removal at Bridge on Jack Creek Road in Templeton
Author: public works
Date: 1/31/2023 9:13 AM
The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Public Works will temporarily close Jack Creek Road during working hours approximately 0.1 miles north of Highway 46 for storm debris removal at the bridge on February 1, 2023 and February 2, 2023.
The bridge on Jack Creek Road at Jack Creek will be closed to all vehicular use from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The bridge will be open outside of the 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. working hours during the repair work. Please refer to map for location.
This bridge is among 208 local and federal bridges in San Luis Obispo County for which the County provides maintenance and repairs. Following the storms at the beginning of the year a bridge inspection found large deposits of debris; which, if left to accumulate with future storm debris could result in damage and possible closure to the bridge.
Please contact Garret McElveny at (805) 781-5210 or [email protected] with any questions or comments.