8.11 Management of Communicable Diseases Pursuant to Section 1410

Chapter 8
Section 8.11
Subject 8.11 Management of Communicable Diseases Pursuant to Section 1410
Effective Date 2/1/2024 12:00 AM
  1. The Health Administrator, in cooperation with the Facility Administrator and local Health Officer, shall develop written policies and procedures to address the identification, treatment, control, follow-up and reporting of/the management of communicable diseases.
  2. The policies and procedures shall include but is not limited to:
    1. Intake health screening procedures;
    2. Identification of relevant symptoms;
    3. Referral for medical evaluation;
    4. Treatment responsibilities during detention;
    5. Coordination with public and private community-based resources for follow-up treatment;
    6. Applicable reporting requirements; and 
    7. Strategies for disease outbreaks

Communicable Disease (Pandemic, Epidemic, or Outbreak)

When officially determined by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) an outbreak of a serious health threat has occurred the following procedures will be in place. 

  1. Staff
    1. Only essential staff will be permitted in the building. These staff may include Juvenile Services Officers, Probation Officers, Public Health, Behavioral Health, County Office of Education, Family Care Network, and any other individuals approved by Superintendent. 
    2. All permitted staff entering the Juvenile Hall will submit to a health screening, including specific questions and temperature taking if needed. 
    3. Any staff experiencing designated symptoms will be referred to the Public Health Department. 
    4. While on duty, Staff will follow all recommendations by CDC and Public Health including but not limited to wearing of facial coverings, physical distancing, and any required Personal Protection Equipment. 
  2. Booking
    1. Youth and arresting officer(s) will be met in the Sally Port by the medical staff on duty and a JSO III/Shift Leader/SDPO.  In the event medical is not on duty, the detention staff will suffice. 
    2. A surgical mask will be placed on the youth.
    3. Medical staff (detention staff in their absence) will take the youth’s temperature, ask screening questions and conduct initial screening for any medical issues that might require medical clearance at the Emergency Department.  All information will be documented in youth’s medical file.
    4. All youth requiring detention will be administered any designated needed testing by medical, if not tested prior to booking.
    5. In the absence of medical staff, screening documentation will be completed by Shift Leader or SDPO and placed in medical office for filing.
      1. If immediate care is needed, youth should be sent to Emergency Department to obtain medical clearance, due to urgent symptoms or other medically urgent conditions.
    6. Cleared youth will be brought into the building for booking.
    7. Officers will wear gloves, masks and face shield while maintaining a 6-foot distance when reasonably possible during the booking process.
      1. Bookings will be conducted in intake for all non-symptomatic youth who had a negative screening.
      2. If youth is experiencing minor symptoms ONLY, youth should be brought into the facility, isolated and tested if applicable.
      3.   Bookings for symptomatic or confirmed cases will be booked on a designated  Unit, using paper a booking packet. 
      4. Officers will wear full PPE when conducting bookings (gown/jumpsuit, gloves, face shield, and N95 mask) 
    8. All medical screenings will take place in a designated room on designated Unit. 
      1. Non symptomatic youth awaiting test results will be housed in an area separate from other youth.   Youth should remain on medical separation until test results are received.
      2. In the event a youth test positive they will be housed on the designated Unit and follow the Confirmed Case Protocol.
    9. Youth MUST always wear a mask while OUT of their room 
      1. If cloth masks are used, they will be laundered nightly in hot water and returned to the youth in the morning. 
      2. Youth will be given schoolwork by SLOCOE in the form of a paper packet. 
    10.  Youth will eat in their room unless otherwise noted by medical. 
    11. Medical will take the youth’s temperature two times daily and conduct physical symptom checks. 
    12. Youth will be retested after 10 days.
    13. Youth will remain on this protocol for 14 days. If the youth’s test is positive, they will be moved to the designated Unit and follow the Confirmed Case Protocol.
    14. If a POSITIVE  youth is released from their isolation or if a NEGATIVE youth has a negative test at the end of their quarantine they will be moved on to West Unit. 
  3. Confirmed Cases:  If a detained youth has a confirmed case of a designated communicable disease, and CANNOT be released to parent or guardian, the following procedure will be activated


  1. Delivery of results (when lab testing is conducted by Public Health):
    1. Regarding Staff:  If Public Health determines staff need to be tested, results will delivered (both positive and negative) directly to staff and Probation
    2. Regarding Youth: JSC Medical Staff will receive results from Public Health and deliver to Probation, youth and parents.
  2. The following individuals will be contacted by phone:
    1. On duty or on call SDPO
    2. CDPO
    3. CPO
    4. Public Health
      1. Public Health Division Manager
      2. Assistant Public Health Director
      3. Communicable Disease Program Manager (or designee) at 805-781-5577
    5. Youth’s parent or guardian (by JSC Medical Staff or SDPO)
    6. Juvenile Court Judge
  3. The Superintendent notify the BSCC representative


  1. The youth will be medically separated and housed on a designated Unit in a wet room.
  2. The medical separation will be for a minimum of 10 days.
  3. The youth may not be confined to their room pursuant to Title 15 Section 1354.5 and WIC 208.3, unless directed by medical staff. 
  4. If medically separated per Title 15, medical staff shall document the decision and why. 
  5. One bathroom will be designated for their use
  6. If approved by Medical staff, the youth can be out of their room, and wearing a mask 
  7. Youth will eat in their room, or on the unit IF cleared by the nurse.
  8. All surfaces youth touches while out of their room will be immediately wiped down with an anti-bacterial cleaning solution
  9. With Medical approval, Youth may go outside (if feeling well enough) and wear a mask.
  10. All clothing will be changed out two times per week.   Soiled clothing will be placed in a plastic bio-hazard bag and immediately placed outside of the kitchen area. 
  11. Soiled bedding will be placed in bio-hazard plastic bag and immediately placed outside of the kitchen area
  12. Medical staff will monitor the youth’s health as they see needed, included but not limited to temperature taking 2x per day and monitoring symptoms daily. 
  13. The medical separation and quarantine will be lifted after 5 days and:
    1. No fever and OFF all fever reducing medication for 24 hours
    2. All other symptoms improving


  1. ​Staff assigned to the unit are encouraged to wear street clothes to work and change into their uniform on site.  At the end of their shift they can change back into their street clothes (shower if desired), bag their exposed uniform and take home to wash. 
  2.  Prior to entering the designated Unit, officers will put on Personal Protection Equipment – PPE (a disposable jumpsuit over their uniform, mask, gloves and face shield / eye protection).
  3. Staff will always remain a minimum of 6 feet away from youth, unless an emergency. 
  4. When staff leave the unit they will remove their jumpsuit and place in a designated trash can.  
  5. Personal eye protection may be removed and sanitized after each use.