8.3 Scope of Health Care Pursuant to Section 1402

Chapter 8
Section 3
Subject 8.3 Scope of Health Care Pursuant to Section 1402
Effective Date 1/31/2024 12:00 AM
  1. The Health Administrator, in cooperation with the Facility Administrator shall develop and implement written policy and procedure to define which health care shall be provided within the facility and those services that shall be available through the community. 
  2. Each facility shall provide:
    1.  At least one physician or health care provider to provide treatment
    2. Health care services which meet the minimum requirements of Title 15 and be at a level to address emergency, acute symptoms and/or conditions and avoid preventable deterioration of health while in confinement
    3. Staff, space, equipment, supplies, materials, and resources manuals necessary to insure the level of health care services provided within the facility.
  3. The Facility Manager shall develop written policy and procedure that provide for parents, guardians or other legal custodians, at their own expense, to authorize and arrange for medical, surgical, dental, behavioral/mental health or other remedial treatment of youth consistent with facility security requirements and public safety.