9.1 Frequency of Serving Pursuant to Section 1460

Chapter 9
Section 9.1
Subject Frequency of Serving Pursuant to Section 1460
Effective Date 4/30/2024 12:00 AM
  1. Frequency of Serving:  Each youth shall be provided a wholesome and nutritionally adequate diet.  The food and nutrition should include, but not be limited to:
    1. A minimum of three meals per any 24-hour period and at least one meal shall include hot food..
    2. Supplemental food shall be served if more than 14 hours lapse between the evening and morning meal.
    3. Meals shall be served to youth on medical diets as prescribed by the attending physician.
    4. A minimum of 20 minutes to eat at each meal, except for those youth on medical diets as prescribed by attending physicians, where the attending physician has prescribed additional time.
    5. Nutritious food will be offered to newly admitted youth, unless otherwise determined medically unsafe by nursing staff and documented by medical staff. 
    6. Youth who miss or may miss a regularly scheduled facility meal shall be provided with a sandwich or substitute meal and beverage.  Youth on medical diets shall be provided with their prescribed meal.