Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

Authorization to Qualify and Carry a Firearm

Pages 4
Effective Date 7/10/2023 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 7/14/2020 12:00 AM

I. Authority

This policy is issued under authority granted to the Chief Probation Officer.

II. Purpose

California law allows sworn officers of the Probation Department to carry firearms with the authorization of the Chief Probation Officer. The purpose of this policy is to clearly establish the procedure required for an officer to carry a firearm.


III. Applicability

This policy applies to all deputy probation officers.

IV. Background

Section 830.5 of the California Penal Code allows probation officers to carry firearms while on duty if authorized by their employing agency. The Chief Probation Officer retains the sole authority to grant or deny requests to carry a firearm while on duty.

V. General Policy

  1. All training and other qualifications must be successfully completed to the satisfaction of the officer's Chief Deputy Probation Officer prior to the approval by the Chief Probation Officer to carry a firearm.

  2. Any officer authorized by the Department to carry a firearm must participate in all required training and must meet all requirements set forth in these policies or otherwise required by the Department.

  3. It shall be the responsibility of the Training Coordinator to develop and ensure that a program of training, as approved by the training manager/administrator, is provided to officers authorized or applying for authorization to carry a firearm and to keep records.

    1. The Departmental Senior Range Master, in conjunction with the Training coordinator shall monitor legislative and policy changes relating to the use of firearms by peace officers and shall provide necessary updated training in a timely manner.

    2. The Training coordinator shall maintain records of qualifications, remedial training plans, and arming suspension notices of all Probation Officers authorized to carry firearms and shall notify the Chief Deputy Probation Officer in charge of training, and the Chief Probation Officer when any such officer is not in compliance with the Department's training requirements.

  4. The Department training coordinator shall maintain a list of all officers currently qualified to carry a firearm.

    1. Following the Chief Probation Officer's authorization for a particular officer to carry a firearm, the training officer must certify in writing that the Probation Officer has met and is current with all relevant training and qualification requirements for carrying a firearm.

    2. The training coordinator shall maintain a list of all training course requirements and other qualifications necessary for an officer to carry a firearm. That list shall be available to any sworn member of the Department.

    3. The training coordinator shall maintain an up-to-date record of the status of each officer with regard to every required training course or other qualification for carrying a firearm.

  5. Range Qualification/Demonstration of Firearms Proficiency

    1. The Rangemaster(s) with the approval of the Senior Rangemaster shall establish a firearms range qualification/demonstration of proficiency protocol and a minimum qualifying score. All qualifications shall be coordinated through the Senior Rangemaster and or designee.

    2. Range qualification may only take place under the direction of a departmentally approved Rangemaster.

    3. Each officer authorized to carry a firearm shall qualify and demonstrate proficiency in the safe and competent handling of their primary and secondary firearm on the range on a quarterly basis utilizing a holster approved by the Senior Rangemaster.

    4. Officers are required to appear at the date and time of their scheduled qualification. Officers will be allowed two (2) attempts to achieve a qualifying score.

    5. The Department may provide reasonable range qualification accommodations, including temporary modified duty, to armed officers, in consultation with Senior Rangemaster, and in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act.

    6. Armed officers must make the request for temporary modified duty/reasonable accommodation, in writing, to their supervisor and Senior Rangemaster.

    7. All requests for change in date and time of scheduled qualification must be approved in advance by the supervisor in order to notify the Department Training Coordinator.

    8. Officers failing to appear for scheduled range qualification may have their arming privilege suspended.

    9. Any officer who fails to meet a qualifying score at a scheduled quarterly qualification will be scheduled for a make-up session. Officers will be allowed two (2) attempts to achieve a qualifying score.

    10. If the officer fails to pass, the make-up session the officer will be assigned a Rangemaster for remedial training.

    11. Remedial plans will be approved by the by the Senior Rangemaster.

    12. Any officer who fails to meet the qualifying score after completion of the remedial training plan will have his/her arming privilege suspended. Officers will be allowed two (2) attempts to achieve a qualifying score at the conclusion of their remedial training.

    13. A Department Rangemaster is authorized to relieve any officer of a Department owned weapon when, the Rangemaster determines the officer's level of proficiency, safety or professionalism is below acceptable standards.

    14. The Senior Rangemaster or in his/her absence, the Lead Rangemaster of the quarterly qualification shall notify the appropriate supervisor and Chief Deputy of any removal of an officer's firearm.

    15. The Chief Deputy shall notify the Assistant Chief Probation Officer.

    16. The Chief Deputy shall determine and recommend, in consultation with the Senior Range Master, a course of action in response to an officer’s firearm removal to the Assistant Chief Probation Officer.

    17. The Assistant Chief shall notify the Chief Probation Officer.

VI. Exclusivity

This policy will remain in effect until superseded or suspended in writing by the Chief Probation Officer and can be reviewed as needed.