Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

Social Media Use Policy

Pages 3
Effective Date 1/24/2023 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM

I. Authority

This policy is issued under the authority granted to the Chief Probation Officer.

II. Purpose

This policy establishes the appropriate use of social media on behalf of the Probation Department and provides guidance on its management, administration, and oversight.

III. Applicability

This policy is applicable to all Probation employees.

IV. Background

Social media provides a valuable means of assisting the Department in transparency, community outreach and education on Probation’s mission and role.  It also serves as venue to highlight achievements, and outcomes, welcome employees and highlight individual accomplishments and support statewide Probation messaging and communication.  

V. General Policy

  1. Definitions:
    1. “Authorized employees” – current employees approved to participate on the Department’s Social Media team.
    2. “Social Media” – a category of internet-based resources that integrate user-generated content and user participation.  This includes but is not limited to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tik-Tok.
  2. The Chief Probation Officer is responsible for all aspects of the Department’s presence and activity on social media and shall ensure the use of social media is used in a manner that is consistent with County/Department mission and values, policies, and procedures. He or she may delegate the day-to-day social media oversight, administration, posting, monitoring, communication, and security to a Chief Deputy Probation Officer.
  3. Authorized employees may use third-party social media platforms, applications, and websites to promote the Department’s mission, vision, achievements, recruitment, community outreach, recognize employees, and support the Chief Probation Officers of California statewide probation communication strategies.
  4. Content transmitted on official Department platforms and website shall be consistent with the Department’s mission, vision, code of ethics, County/Department policies, and applicable state law.
  5.  Social media content is subject to public records laws.  Content must be managed, stored, and retrieved to comply with public records laws and e-discovery laws.
  6. Authorized users representing the Department via social media shall do the following:
    1. Conduct themselves always as representatives of the Department and adhere to all department standards of conduct.
    2.  Identify themselves as a member of the Department.
    3.  Not post any statement about the guilt or innocence of any suspect or arrestee, or comment on any pending prosecution or sentencing matter, nor post, transmit, or otherwise disseminate confidential information, including photographs or videos, relating to Department training, activities, or work-related assignments without prior express approval of the responsible Chief Deputy, Assistant Chief, or Chief.
    4. Not conduct political activities or private business.
    5.  Observe and abide by all copyright, trademark, and service mark restrictions in posting materials to electronic media.
  7. Any changes to usernames and/or passwords on all social media platforms must be approved in advance by the responsible Chief Deputy.  In the event of exigent circumstances, i.e., network intrusion, password compromise, etc., notify the responsible Chief Deputy of the change as soon as possible.
  8. The following actions on social media may result in disciplinary action.
    1. Sharing or transmitting confidential or protected information.
    2. Unauthorized representation of the Department or County.
    3. Violating any of the following:
      1. County or Department standards of conduct.
      2. Department policies and procedures.
      3. Countywide policies and guidelines including but not limited to County Identity Standards, HR policies, and IT policies.
      4. Local, state, or federal laws

VI. Exclusivity
