Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

Use of Naloxone

Pages 2
Effective Date 7/8/2019 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 4/10/2019 12:00 AM

I. Authority

This policy is issued under authority granted to the Chief Probation Officer.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy provides Probation Department peace officers with guidelines in the use of naloxone opioid antagonist.  Equipping officers with naloxone kits provides the ability to assist overdose victims, and render aid to officers exposed to opioids.

III. Applicability

This policy applies to Probation Department peace officers who have been certified and authorized to administer naloxone opioid overdose antagonist.

IV. Background

The Probation Department has identified individuals on supervision with drug abuse problems.  The use of opioids poses a risk of overdose and exposure to the community and officers.

V. General Policy

  1.  Officers are authorized to aid any individual(s) encountered in the course of their duties who may be suffering from an opioid overdose including the use of Naloxone if issued, to revive an individual from an apparent drug overdose.
  2.  Officers shall receive training on responding to individuals suffering from an apparent opioid overdose and the use of naloxone.
  3.  Naloxone certified officers shall receive a minimum of one (1) hour of refresher training every 2 years in conjunction with CPR/First Aid training.
  4. Officers issued Naloxone are required to have it available while conducting field work in case of an overdose or exposure emergency.
  5.  Naloxone shall not be kept in county vehicles overnight.
  6. Naloxone shall be administered according to the instructions/training by the authorized provider. 
  7. Reporting
    1.  Officers, as soon as possible but no later than end of shift, shall notify their supervisor that Naloxone has been administered for an overdose.  If their supervisor is not available, the officer shall notify up the chain of command.
    2.  Complete a Department incident report and the Public Safety/Law Enforcement Naloxone Use form within 24 business hours.
    3. Reports will be reviewed by their supervisor and submitted to the Chief Deputy. 
    4.  The Naloxone Use Form will be submitted to the Professional Standards Unit supervisor within three (3) business days following the date of use.
    5.    The Professional Standards Unit supervisor shall submit the Naloxone use form to the County Emergency Medical Services Agency by the 15th day of the month following the date of use.   A copy will be retained by the Professional Standards Unit.

VI. Exclusivity

This policy will remain in effect until superseded or suspended in writing by the Chief Probation Officer and can be reviewed as needed.