Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

Electronic Monitoring

Pages 2
Effective Date 7/14/2020 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 2/9/2015 12:00 AM

I. Authority

This policy is issued under authority granted to the Chief Probation Officer.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines in the use of electronic monitoring devices.

III. Applicability

This policy applies to all Probation Department Employees.

IV. Background

The Probation Department is authorized by section 1210.7 and 3454 of the California Penal Code to utilize electronic monitoring to electronically monitor the whereabouts of persons on probation, Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) and mandatory supervision This policy is required by section 1210.12 (b) of the California Penal Code.

V. General Policy

  1. The use of electronic monitoring is authorized for the following:
    1.  Offenders in violation that do not require secure detention.
    2. Enhanced supervision requiring 24 hour monitoring for public safety.
    3.  Offenders court ordered to be subject to electronic monitoring.
  2.  Supervisor approval is required to maintain electronic monitoring beyond 30 days on an offender, unless there is a court order for the subject to be on longer.
  3. Every person who has been assessed with the State Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders (SARATSO) and has been determined to have a SARATSO risk level of high shall be continuously electronically monitored while on Probation.  The court can determine that continuous electronic monitoring is unnecessary for a particular Probationer

VI. Exclusivity

This policy will remain in effect until superseded or suspended in writing by the Chief Probation Officer and can be reviewed as needed.