Honorable Christopher G. Money
Christopher G. Money’s service to the citizens of San Luis Obispo County spanned 40 years from 1965 to 2005. He served as a prosecutor for 15 years until elected San Luis Obispo County District Attorney in 1978 and re-elected in 1982. He was appointed as a Municipal Court Judge in 1985, and promoted to the Superior Court in 1989 where he served until he retired. |
Throughout his tenures as both a District Attorney and Judge, Christopher Money was well respected for having the highest of ethical standards and unquestionable character and judgment. He was valued by his DA peers across California as a hands-on leader who cared deeply about the impact of crime on families, and passionately sought justice for every victim. In 1977, then Assistant District Attorney Money led the effort through his vision and leadership to create the Victim Witness Assistance Center. He was also instrumental in establishing both the Women’s Shelter Program of San Luis Obispo, and the County’s Sexual Assault Response Team program. Judge Money also headed the County’s first Drug Court, founded in 1999. In 2017, the San Luis Obispo County Victim Witness Assistance Center was renamed as a memorial to the Honorable Christopher G. Money for his outstanding commitment to protecting the rights of and providing assistance for crime victims in our county. |