Prevention and Outreach Services

The Prevention & Outreach Services Division of the Behavioral Health Department combines universal, selective, and indicated prevention, and early intervention strategies, along with targeted outreach and treatment for difficult-to-serve, and underserved populations. Several of the programs within the Division are part of the County's Mental Health Services Act plan.

Prevention & Outreach Mission Statement and Program Standards

San Luis Obispo County’s Behavioral Health Prevention and Outreach services provide a framework for collaborative county-wide prevention of substance abuse and its related problems, and the promotion of mental wellness and health.

The mission is achieved by engaging individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities to promote safe and healthy environments through the following strategies:

  •             Information dissemination and media advocacy
  •             Education and skill building
  •             Alternative activities
  •             Problem identification, referral, and clinical care
  •             Community based processes
  •             Environmental and policy development
  •             Increased access to care
  •             Consumer and family driven services

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