Probation Department Agenda / Minutes

DPC Minutes 08.01.2023

Meeting Date & Time 8/1/2023 11:00 AM
Location County Office of Education Board Room, 3350 Education Drive. San Luis Obispo, CA
Description DPC Minutes
Virtual Link
  • CALL TO ORDER:  August 1, 2023
    • The DPC meeting minutes was called to order at 11:13 AM.  No approval of DPC minutes for the month of July.  Minutes were taken by Maria Woodworth and reviewed by Commissioner Chairperson Kayla Plourde, Vice Chair, Karen Donaghe. 


    • Robert Reyes, San Luis Obispo County Probation Department
    • Katherine Aaron, County Office of Education
    • Steve Von Dohlen, District Attorney - Zoom
    • Justin Nelson, Sheriff’s Office – Zoom
    • No correspondence
    • No public comment
  1. Probation / Juvenile Hall / Coastal Valley Academy – (Chief Robert B. Reyes) The current juvenile population is seventeen, of those two are part of the secure track SORE Program, four are enrolled in CVA.  San Bernardino County has entered into a contract with San Luis Obispo County for CVA services.  This will be the fifth county that has sign an agreement. Santa Barbara is in the early stages of entering into an agreement for CVA services. 
  2. Department of Social Services: (Angella Holmes) DSS hosted interagency meeting and invited participation from relevant agencies. The Interagency meeting is held on the 3rd Thursday, (quarterly) from 1:00pm-3:00pm and is currently held via Teams.  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 19th; for additional information, please contact DePew at [email protected]. to request an invitation, please also provide your name, role and agency.
  3. County Office of Education: (Katherine Aaron) Over the last five years, juvenile Court school and Juvenile Hall have seen a steady increase of realigned youth graduating from the program.  SLO County Office Ed and other collaborating agencies have Joint efforts to provide services for long term realigned youth, including those who have turned 18 and don’t wish further their education.   The County office of Education has recently applied for the Rising Scholars and the College and Career Access Pathway Grant.  The Career Access Pathway grant was awarded to Loma Vista and Juvenile Hall in the amount of $100,000.00 each for a term of four years.    The funding will be used to create dual opportunities for students by developing pathways.  Students will be able take classes while in high school that will allow them to earn college credits that lead to a certificate or degree at Cuesta College. 
  4.  District Attorney’s Office: (Steve Von Dohlen) The Anti-Gang Consortium meeting is scheduled for August 17, 2023, at 2:00 PM.  The meeting will held at the District Attorney’s office.    
  5. Behavior Health Department – (Paula McGrath) A new record management system will be implemented effective July 1st.  The new system will be used to store digitized medical records.  The behavioral health department staff are in the process of being trained on the new system. The Behavioral Health Department is under new management, Star Graber is the new director effective July 1st, 2023.
  6. Superior Court- (Judge Peron) No update.
  7. District Attorney Office: The next Anti-Gang planned consortium meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 17th, 2023, at 2:00 PM.  More information to follow.
  8. Law Enforcement: (Commander Nelson) 
    1. The Central Coast Explorer Competition: The SLO Sheriff's Office will host this year's Competition at Cuesta College. We are expecting roughly 150 Explorer Participants from agencies all over California. The competition will be held on 10/7/23.
    2. Sheriff's Family Day at the Ranch: will be hosted on September 9th at Madonna Meadows.
  9. Legislation – (Robert B. Reyes) No update
  10. Children’s Services Network – (Kayla Plourde) No update
  11. Truancy Board Meeting – (Cindy Wittstrom & Arlene Sackman) A training session is scheduled for September 15, 2023.
  12. Transitions Mental Health – (Gwen McNamara) gave an update on the upcoming behavioral health and family services programs that are being put in place at Transitions Mental Health. 
  13.  Budget Report: Kayla Plourde, will be given an update at the next meeting. 
  14. Cuesta College:  No update
  15. Prevention Intervention Youth Sub Committee– (Amelia Plemons) No update
  16. Anti-Gang Coordinating Commission – (Cindy Wittstrom) No update 
  17. Human Trafficking Task Force – (Jim Brabeck) No update 
  18. Agenda Items: 
    1. Comprehensive Juvenile Justice Plan – October
  19. ADJOURN: DPC meeting adjourned at 11:52 PM.