Probation Department Agenda / Minutes

DPC Minutes 02.07.2023

Meeting Date & Time 2/7/2023 10:37 AM
Location County Office of Education Board Room, 3350 Education Drive. San Luis Obispo, CA
Description Minutes
Virtual Link


  1. Probation / Juvenile Hall / Coastal Valley Academy – Chief Robert B. Reyes, Coastal Valley Academy had a visit by the director of office Youth and Family Restoration on February 6, 2023.  This is the office created out of Juvenile Justice Realignment.  The director is part of the Governors administration and answers to the Secretary Human Services for the State of California.  During the tour of the Juvenile facility, the director had an opportunity to speak some of the youth in the facility and received positive feedback.

A youth was transferred from Santa Cruz County.  As of today 11, youth are enrolled in at CVA. The specialized home care program contract is going to the board for approval, on January 24, 2023.

  1. District Attorney’s Office: (Steve Von Dohlen) January 3, 2023, was Judge Peron first day on the bench.  Judge Peron will be the new Juvenile Court Officer for both Juvenile Justice and juvenile dependency cases.  District Attorney office offers victim witness coordination services to all people in the county regardless of there preferred language.  Seeing growing cases for language interpretation for the Mixteco population. 


  1. Department of Social Services: (Angella Holmes) San Luis Obispo County Child Welfare Services (CWS) and Juvenile Probation Services host an annual stakeholder meeting to engage our community partners and service participants.  The meeting will be held on Friday, March 3rd, from 9:00 am to 12:00 PM.  The link will be forwarded to commissioners via email.  The Child Welfare Services management team is currently re-evaluating the data available to the public. 
  2. County Office of Education:   (Katherine Aaron) The County office of Education offers 0-3 services, including home services to families of children that are not meeting their milestones.  There has been a rise for interpretation services for the Mixteco community in North County.  The County Office of Ed has a fulltime Spanish interpreter that was hired to assist the Hispanic community.  Translating for the Mixteco community is extremely difficult due to the various number of dialects.  In the Mixteco community, it is typical that the head of household is the only one in the home, that is fluent in Spanish, normally the stay-at-home mom doesn’t speak Spanish.  A work around was put in place to address the language barriers in the Mixteco community.  Katherine Aaron reached out to North County Link, and connected with Lisa Fraser from Center for Family Strengthening who has a Promotores Collaborative program.  County Office of Education entered into a contract with Family Strengthening and now has an MOU with Probation, Lumina Alliance, Wilshire Creative Mediation, San Miguel Unified School District and Paso Robles Unified School District to facilitate the access a Mixteco Interpreter.
  3. Law Enforcement:  In January the Sheriff’s Office responded to 46 calls for service involving Juveniles.  Thirty of those calls were documented.  Out of those cases, three were involving welfare checks, eight were child abuse allegations, three juvenile runaway cases, including two cases of youth that were suicidal, and one narcotics ingestion.  Also, one Juvenile that was in a mental health crisis, two cases involving juveniles that were victims of sexual offences, two vandalism cases, also two Juvenile arrest in January for public intoxication and the other for domestic violence.  It was also reported of two cases of missing children, one of which was found.  The other missing child is the North County case, missing due to the storm.  
  4. Continuation of the discussion following the BSCC Training  DJ shared information on Zoom vs in person, from Children Services Network, based on Assembly Bill 361 from an Attorneys perspective.Effective January 1, 2023, Assembly Bill 2449 addresses teleconferencing, giving flexibility to attend virtually without posting the agenda outside of residence or area of work, giving access to public.This limits the reasons one can be on Zoom and the numbers of times one can participate via Zoom. The item was discussed at Children’s Services Network, Per Assembly bill 2449: The quorum must be in the room in order to approve a motion.Item will be discussed at the next DPC meeting.
  • Kayla will work on a draft of the bylaws and will be presented at the next DPC meeting.
  • Legislation – (Robert B. Reyes) No update
  • Children’s Services Network (Kayla Plourde) An update will be given at the following JJC-DPC meeting. 
  • Truancy Board Meeting – (Arlene Sackman) No update
  • Prevention Intervention Youth Sub Committee– (Amelia Plemons) No update
  • Anti-Gang Coordinating Commission – (Cindy Wittstrom) No update
  • Human Trafficking Task Force – (Jim Brabeck) No update 


DPC meeting adjourned at 1:11 PM.