5.12 Physical Restraints Pursuant to Sections 1358

Chapter 5
Section 5.12
Subject Physical Restraints Pursuant to Sections 1358
Effective Date 12/4/2023 12:00 AM

This policy was developed in cooperation with the responsible physician and Behavioral Health director.  Restraint devices include any devices which immobilize a youth’s extremities and/or prevent the youth from being ambulatory.

Physical restraints may only be used for those youth who present an immediate danger to themselves or others, who exhibit behavior which results in the destruction of property, or reveals the intent to cause self-inflicted physical harm.

    1. The Wrap Restraint System is a tool utilized in the Juvenile Hall designed to immobilize the legs and hands of a combative and/or resistive youth.  The provisions of this section do not apply to the use of handcuffs, shackles, or other restraint devices when used to restrain youth for movement or transportation within the facility.  
    2. Juvenile Hall staff may use the Wrap Restraint, upon approval of the on-duty supervisor or the on call supervisor or Chief Deputy, when it appears that a less restrictive alternative would be ineffective in controlling a youth’s behavior.
    3. The Wrap Restraint shall not be used as a form of punishment or discipline, or as a substitute for treatment.  
    4. Prior to placing a youth in the Wrap Restraint, the on-duty supervisor, in consultation with the on-duty nurse (if available), shall decide if the youth has any known medical conditions that would prohibit placement in the restraint.  IF NO NURSE IS ON DUTY, THE WRAP SHALL NOT BE USED.
    5. Once a youth is placed in the Wrap Restraint, an officer shall:
      1. provide continuous direct visual supervision at all times to ensure the safety of the youth including but not limited to injuries and obvious medical problems.
      2. move the youth to protective housing; either a single occupancy room with a camera or in Holding.
    6. Youth placed in the Wrap Restraint shall have their shoes and socks removed to allow the on-duty nurse or officers to visually observe their toes and feet to check for temperature drops and/or bluish color.
      1. The on-duty nurse shall be called to the scene immediately following the application of the Wrap or if an officer observes or is concerned about changes in the youth’s health while in the WRAP.
      2. Nurses will check the youth’s extremities and temp, vitals every 10 min.
      3. While a youth is in the WRAP, an AED will be readily available.
    7. The WRAP log shall be used for all youth placed in the Wrap Restraint.
    8. A youth’s status shall be documented in the WRAP log every 10 minutes while in the Wrap Restraint noting changes in attitude, behavior and level of compliance with officers.
    9. Youth shall be placed in the Wrap Restraint not to exceed 30 minutes unless authorized by a Chief Deputy Probation Officer or Assistant Chief.  Reasons for continued retention in restraints shall be reviewed and documented at a minimum of every hour.
    10. The on-duty Behavioral Health counselor shall be directed to engage and deescalate the youth once the youth is secured in the WRAP but no later than 15 minutes after placement in the WRAP. If a Behavioral Health counselor is not available, then de-escalation attempts shall be conducted by sworn staff.  Additionally, Behavioral Health staff shall determine if the youth requires additional Behavioral Health treatment.  If a youth continues to threaten self-harm behavior and there is no on-duty Behavioral Health counselor, the Behavioral Health crisis team shall be summoned to the facility to assess the youth.
    11. While in the Wrap Restraint, youth shall be offered no less than every 30 minutes.
    12. The Wrap Restraint shall be inspected following each use by the on-duty JSOIII to ensure all belts and straps are free of tearing or fraying.
    13. The Wrap Restraint shall be stored in the designated CERT closet.
    14. Only Departmentally trained staff shall use the Wrap Restraint. It is not to be used for any reason other than that for which it is designed and in accordance with the guidelines above.
    15. The WRAP is not to be used on female youth who are known to be pregnant.
    16. A youth is to be allowed to use the restroom for sanitation needs as soon as safely possible.