5.7 Separation of Youth Pursuant to Section 1354

Chapter 5. Classification and Separation
Section 5.7
Subject Separation of Youth Pursuant to Section 1354
Effective Date 12/1/2023 12:00 AM
  1. At times it may become necessary to segregate a youth from the general population at the Juvenile Hall.  This action is referred to as Separation.  Youth shall only be separated for the following reasons:
    1. Separation: Temporary separation from the general population for new booking and assessment (while the processes is being completed), suicide watch, physical, medical or mental conditions, assaultive behavior, disciplinary consequences, and protective custody. 
    2. Youth who are separated shall not be denied normal privileges available at the facility, except when necessary to accomplish the objective of separation.
    3. Youth who are separated will be counseled by an officer to re-direct behavior.    Consideration of the youth’s positive development and past trauma will be considered.  
    4. A youth may be required to complete a reflection activity to help facilitate behavioral change.  A reflective activity will be in alignment with the expected behavior outlined in a PBIS Matrix and be appropriate for the youth’s cognitive ability. 
  2. Youth who are separated for disciplinary purposes shall not be confined to a locked room or be denied any items or services delineated in Section 1390 of Title 15, including:
    • Clean Bed or bedding
    • Daily shower, access to drinking fountain, toilet and personal hygiene items
    • Full nutrition
    • Contact with parent or attorney
    • Exercise
    • Medical and counseling services
    • Religious services
    • Clean and sanitary living conditions; and the right to send and receive mail
    • Education
    1. When the objective of the separation is discipline, Title 15, Section 1390 shall apply.
    2. When separation results in room confinement, the separation shall occur in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 208.3 and Section 1354.5 of these regulations.
    3. Policies and procedures shall ensure a daily review of separated youth to determine if separation remains necessary.