5.19 Wristband Policy and Procedure

Chapter 5
Section 5.19
Subject Wristband Policy and Procedure
Effective Date 12/4/2023 12:00 AM

The purpose of this policy is to ensure all youth in custody are issued and wear at all times a wristband for identification.

  1. The supply of wristbands will be maintained in the JSO III’s office.
  2. During the booking process and before the youth is admitted to a unit, the booking officer will ensure each youth is wearing a wristband with the youth’s full name and photo ID.
  3. The youth may wear the wristband on either wrist.  After the wristband is secured, cut off excess of band, if any.
  4. It is the youth’s responsibility to inform staff immediately of loss or damage of his/her wristband.
  5. If a youth removes, manipulates, mutilates or tampers with his/her wristband, for any reason, s/he may have consequences and a replacement wristband will be issued as soon as possible.
  6. If a youth’s wristband needs to be replaced, through no fault of his/her own, staff will replace it as soon as possible without consequence to the youth.
  7. Unit staff shall check that each youth in the unit has a wristband on their person at 0815, 1445 and again at 2130 and document the check on the Unit Safety Roster.
  8. When a youth is released, the youth’s wristband will be removed and destroyed (i.e., cut the plastic into small pieces, or place in sharps) and put in the trash to ensure confidentiality of youth.