5.9 Institutional Assessment and Plan Pursuant to Section 1355

Chapter 5
Section 5.9
Subject Institutional Assessment and Plan Pursuant to Section 1355
Effective Date 12/4/2023 12:00 AM
  1. The case plan should be completed within the first 30-35 days after detention by the assigned Institutional Case Management Committee utilizing the Detention Assessment Case Plan Form.  The committee will consist of at least the assigned DPO or their Supervisor, a JSO III or an Institutional SDPO, Behavioral Health Therapist, Education Representative and Nurse or Nurse Practitioner.    Additional personnel may be assigned at the direction of the Chief Deputy.
  2. The assessment is based on information collected during the admission process with periodic review, which includes the youth’s risk factors, needs and strengths, including, but not limited to identification of substance abuse history, educational, vocational, counseling, behavioral health, consideration of known history of trauma and family strengths and needs. 
    1. For pre-adjudicated youth, the plan shall include, but not be limited to:
      1. Objectives and time frames for the resolution of problems identified in the assessment;
      2. A plan for meeting the objectives that includes a description of program resources needed and individuals responsible for assuring that the plan is implemented;
  3. Once the youth is adjudicated, in addition to the items noted above, the Institutional Assessment Plan shall include, but not be limited to the following:
    1. Periodic evaluation of progress towards meeting the objectives, including periodic review at 30 day intervals and discussion of the plan with the youth; including documentation on the case plan form of progress or completion of objectives.
    2. A transition or aftercare plan will include the input of the parent and/or supportive adult, and youth, and to be completed prior to the youth’s release.
    3. Contact with the Regional Center for the Developmentally Disabled for youth that are developmentally disabled and includes provisions of Section 1413(b).
  4. Upon the youth’s release the institutional assessment, case plan and progress reports will be stored in Monitor for the applicable year. 
  5. The Chief Deputy shall establish and maintain a tracking system to insure compliance with established time frames pursuant to Title 15 and Juvenile Hall policy.
  6. Secure Track Youth