5.4 Classification Pursuant to Section 1352

Chapter 5. Classification and Separation
Section 5.4
Subject Classification Pursuant to Section 1352
Effective Date 11/30/2023 12:00 AM
  1. The security classification system and housing assignments shall consider the need for single or double room assignments, provide for the safety of the youth, other youth, facility staff, and the public by placing youth in the appropriate, least restrictive housing and program settings. Housing assignments shall: 
    1.  consider the need for single or double assignment 
    2. consider facility populations and physical design of the facility; 
    3. provide that a youth shall be classified upon admittance to the facility;
    4.  , (e) provide that 
  2. The classification system is determined by a combination of the following factors:
    1. Court status and present offense
    2. Criminal offense history
    3. Prior behavior while in the facility or other institutions
    4. Gang affiliation
    5. Conflicts with other youth
    6. Court-ordered restrictions as to the association with other youth
    7. Requests from investigating agencies to segregate co-defendants
    8. Age and maturity of the youth
    9. Mental or physical health issues/conditions
    10.  Developmental and cognitive processing disabilities
    11. Gender and gender identity
    12. Current probation recommendation
    13. Program needs
    14. Sophistication
    15. Legal status
    • As these factors change during the youth’s stay in custody, it is expected that the security level may be modified. Facility staff shall not separate youth from the general population or assign youth to a single occupancy room based solely on the youth's actual or perceived race, ethnic group identification, ancestry, national origin, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, mental or physical disability, or HIV status.  This section does not prohibit staff from placing youth in a single occupancy room at the youth's specific request or in accordance with Title 15 regulations regarding separation. Facility staff shall not consider lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning or intersex identification or status as an indicator of likelihood of being sexually abusive.
  3.  The on-duty JSOIII/ Supervising Deputy Probation Officer is responsible for determining the classification, housing and programming, which will then be reflected on the Daily Population Report.
  4. In determining on which unit the youth shall be housed, the JSO III, acting shift leader or Supervising Deputy Probation Officer shall consider the classification factors listed in subsection A of this section in determining appropriate unit assignment.  Staff on the units will be responsible for providing new information and making recommendations regarding the classification level to JSO III/Supervising Deputy Probation Officers.
  5. NOTE: Youth placed on suicide prevention protocol shall not be housed in Holding Room #5.
  6. Housing is generally based on the following:
    • ​​Coastal Valley Academy (Islay and Morro)
      • For youth who have been court ordered to participate in the Coastal              Valley Academy 
    • West Unit
      • All youth
    •  Center Unit 
      • Overflow from other units based on the needs of the facility
      • Youth whose gender orientation would place them at risk for victimization Youth with sexual charges that require separation from older youth due to being 14 years or younger, or have identified mental or developmental/cognitive disabilities that place them at risk of victimization
      •  Youth on Secure Track needing to be housed separate from younger less sophisticated youth
  7. Security Classifications:
    1. General Population (GP): Youth are allowed to participate in institutional activities including the regular school program, work details inside the institution and full recreation and program activities. May have a roommate if eligible pursuant to the Privilege System.
    2. Secure Track:  Youth who have been adjudicated of a WIC 707 (b) offense and committed to the Juvenile Hall. 
    3. Restricted Status- Youth who are prohibited from having roommates based on the factors listed in Section A.  Examples would include, but are not limited to: being hostile or uncooperative; returning on a warrant, being a flight risk, having severe charges, needing restraints for court, combative/threatening behavior or being on Administrative Separation status.  Only Supervising Deputy Probation Officers may place or remove youth from “Restricted” Status.  Restricted status youth may be authorized to have a roommate with approval from the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division or his/her designee.
    4. Special Modified Program: This category is for those youth who do not fit into the regular institutional programming and no other classification appears to be appropriate.
      1. Those placed in this status may include high security risk cases, youth with serious medical problems that require medical isolation, youth with severe Behavioral Health issues requiring a specialized programs.
      2. Anyone in this category will have a program individually designed to meet the needs of the youth utilizing the Special Modified Program form. Prior to placing a youth on modified program status a facility staff shall conduct a meeting with the Supervising Deputy Probation Officer and a representative of Behavioral Health, Public Health and the Court School to formulate the specifics of the modified program and to ensure the youth’s physical, mental and educational needs are met.
      3. Youth placed on “Special Modified Program” status require the Approval of the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division.  A review to modify or discontinue a Special Modified Program will be conducted daily. 
    5. The youth’s current status will be noted on the Activity Sheet and Daily Population Report. Changes in status shall be noted immediately in the Shift Log and the on-duty graveyard JSO III or Acting JSO III shall insure status change is noted on the Activity Sheet and Daily Population Report.
    6. Administrative Separation: Temporary separation from the general population, for new booking and assessment, suicide watch, physical, medical or mental problem or major rule violation.
    7. Room confinement: means the placement of a youth in a locked sleeping room or cell with minimal or no contact with persons other than correctional facility staff and attorneys. 
    8. Roommates: Decisions regarding roommates will be made on a case-by-case basis by the JSO III or Supervising Deputy Probation Officer.
    9. Staff will conduct daily classification reviews, including provisions that consider the level of supervision and the youth’s behavior while in custody.
    10. Youth shall not be separated from the general population or assigned youth to a single occupancy room based solely on the youth’s actual or perceived race, ethnic group identification, ancestry, national origin, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, mental or physical disability, or HIV status.  This section does not prohibit staff from placing youth in a single occupancy room at the youth’s specific request or in accordance with Title 15 regulations regarding separation. 
    11.  Facility staff shall not consider lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning or intersex identification or status as an indicator of likelihood of being sexually abusive.