Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
3.10 Public Safety Deployment Plan
Location | Department Wide Operations |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 3.10 Public Safety Deployment Plan |
Purpose | In the event of an emergency request for a public safety deployment of Probation Officers and departmental resources the following plan shall be utilized to coordinate the department’s response. |
Effective Date | 5/25/2021 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
Armed Deputy Probation Officers, Senior Deputy Probation Officers, Supervising Deputy Probation Officers and Chief Deputy Probation Officers are authorized for field deployment as requested by another agency.
Non-armed Deputy Probation Officers, Senior Deputy Probation Officers, Supervising Deputy Probation Officers or Administrative Professionals shall be deployed as needed at the direction of the Chief Probation Officer, Assistant Chief Probation Officer or Chief Deputy Probation Officer in a non-field capacity.
Chain of Command
Upon receiving a request for deployment of probation officers to a public safety emergency, the following chain of command is established:
- Chief Probation Officer (CPO) / Assistant Chief Probation Officer (ACPO) – Departmental Coordinator
- Chief Deputy Probation Officers (CDPO) – Internal Incident Commander as assigned by the CPO/ACPO
- Supervising Deputy Probation Officers (SDPO) – Armed – Field Team Leader as assigned by the Internal Incident Commander
- Senior Deputy Probation Officers (DPO III) -Armed – Field Team Leader as assigned by the Internal Incident Commander
- The Chief Probation Officer, Assistant Chief Probation Officer or a Chief Deputy Probation Officer may be the initial point of contact for agencies making emergency deployment requests for department resources.
- CPO/ACPO/CDPO will assess the nature of the request and determine the scope and size of the response.
- A CDPO shall be designated the INTERNAL INCIDENT COMMANDER.
- An armed SDPO will be designated by the Internal Incident Commander as the Departmental Field Team Leader. If there is no armed SDPO on-duty, an armed Senior Deputy PO may be designated as the Field Team Leader.
- The Field Team Leader will serve as the Probation Department’s direct liaison with the requesting agency and provide operational updates to the internal incident commander.
- The Field Team Leader will be the responsible party for all deployed probation personnel and provide ongoing communication with the Internal Incident Commander. The Field Team Leader may divide, or delegate duties as needed.
All Deputy Probation Officers being deployed shall:
- Report to Casa Loma or other designated location in full field gear per the field operations policy.
- Field Kit/Bag including: Trauma Kit and Ballistic Helmet if issued.
- Per the Use of the Shotgun Policy, each authorized DPO is to check a shotgun out, if available, conduct a function test and load vehicle with extra ammunition.
- Partner up per the Field Operations policy as available.
- Provide the Internal Incident Commander with call signs/body #’s/Cell phone #’s, vehicle unit # and call sign being utilized by Boy Unit.
- Ensure vehicle CAD, Radio and emergency lights and public address system are functional.
The Incident Commander shall:
- Establish a roster of all personnel being deployed including name, body #s, call signs, cell #s, partners, Vehicle #s.
- Indicate on roster capacity of each DPO/DPO Boy Unit: Equipment, vehicle, etc.
- Provide designated Field Team Leader with roster of personnel and equipment to deploy and any personnel to remain in reserve.
- Provide briefing with known information on deployment.
- Provide Field Team Leader with requesting agency point of contact.
The Field Team Leader Shall:
- Have multiple copies of a roster of all personnel responding: name, body #s, call signs, cell #s, partners, Vehicle #s with capacity of each DPO and vehicle.
- Maintain communication with the Internal Incident Commander.
Recommended Items for Deployed Personnel
- Change of clothing
- Extra water and snacks, i.e., energy bars, trail mix
- Inhalers or EPI pens (if applicable)
Deputy Probation Officers shall:
- Adhere to the chain of command as established by this procedure.
- Remain at assigned post until provided further direction from the probation team leader or requesting agency.
Field Team Leader:
- Is the on-scene point of contact and liaison with the requesting agency.
- Will determine role of specific deployed probation department personnel and resources.
Deputy Probation Officers shall:
- Report back to the requesting agencies command post or designated collection area.
- Report to Probation Field Team Leader any accidents, injuries, or equipment/property damage, or Use of force.
- Remain at the requesting agencies command post or collection area until accounted for by the Probation Field Team Leader and released by the requesting agency.
- Return to Casa Loma or other designated location.
- Remain at Casa Loma or other designated location until accounted for by the Internal Incident Commander and released by the Internal Incident Commander.
Equipment & Logistics
The Field Team Leader shall make the following equipment from the armory available as needed to deployed staff:
- 9mm/12-gauge ammo magazines/keepers
- Trauma kits/tourniquets/PPE
- Posse Box w/
- Flashlights/Batteries/Charger
- Radio Batteries/Charger
- Entry Tools/Bolt Cutters
- Water
- Food
- Laptop Computer w/ mobile hotspot
Media Inquiries
All media inquiries shall be directed to the Chief Probation Officer pursuant to the Department’s Media Relations Policy.