Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

3.5 Pilot Project Procedure

Location Department Wide Operations
Section N/A
Subject 3.5 Pilot Project Procedure
Purpose To Establish Purpose of the Pilot Project
Effective Date 6/13/2019 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM
  1. Before submitting a pilot project proposal, the pilot idea will be discussed with your direct supervisor.
  2. Pilot projects will be proposed to and authorized by the Management Team in consultation with Team Leaders.
  3. Consideration will be given to whether proposed pilot projects have immediate mission critical outcomes or deliverables
  4. Pilot projects should be of small scale, with a pre-determined start and end date.
  5. A Project Leader and Assistant Project Leader will be appointed for all teams. Participating team members and other essential stakeholders will be identified.
  6. Proposed pilot project plans should contain the following:
    1. Pilot purpose and goals
      1. Define the state purpose of the pilot project
      2. How will the pilot demonstrate achieving the goals?
    2. Pilot scope
      1. Describe role of the pilot team
      2. Explain what will be measured
      3. Identify when & where the pilot will be run
    3. Pilot Components
      1. Explain how the pilot will be conducted
      2. Detail the steps & tasks necessary to test the proposed idea/solution
    4. Timeline
      1. Identify key milestones to meet within the proposed project
    5. Identify proposed results or outcomes
      1. How they will be tracked
      2. Monitoring plan to collect data and measure outcomes in consultation with the Department Program Manager
    6. Resources required including budget
    7. Training and communication needs for the pilot project
  7. Pilot Project Report Out (completed at the conclusion of the pilot program).  Report out shall address the following:
    1. Written summary of pilot results
    2. Elements favoring implementation
    3. Elements opposing implementation
    4. Recommendation regarding implementation