Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

3.12 Urine Analysis (UA) Drug Collection and Testing

Location Department Wide Operations
Section N/A
Subject 3.12 Urine Analysis (UA) Drug Collection and Testing
Purpose Establishes protocols for collection, administration and processing of a Urine Analysis (UA) presumptively positive drug tests by Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) or Juvenile Services Officers (JSOs).
Effective Date 8/26/2021 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


During the course of case supervision, DPOs should investigate a probationer’s compliance with probation terms that prohibit illegal drug use or alcohol consumption through the use of Department approved and provided UA presumptive chemical tests (hereafter referred to as “tests”).

The DPO or JSO observing the test shall be of the same gender as the offender submitting to testing, and the DPO / JSO may conduct a search of the offender’s person prior to administering the test, subject to a valid search clause.

Tests conducted in a Probation Department Office shall be administered in Department designated restrooms. The DPO / JSO who administers the test shall witness the offender provide the urine sample that will be tested.

Tests conducted in the field should be administered in non-public restrooms that take into account safety and offender privacy. The DPO who administers the test shall witness the offender provide the urine sample that will be tested.

If a test is presumptively positive for the presence of illegal drugs, DPOs are to ask the offender questions regarding recent drug and alcohol use and seek a signed “statement of admission” identifying the substances used.


If a DPO is unable to obtain a statement of admission on the Department’s Statement of Admission Form from the probationer regarding substances used and needs to confirm presumptive test results through laboratory testing, or the urine sample needs to be tested for a substance that cannot be detected with the Department’s presumptive tests, the urine sample may be taken to the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office Crime Laboratory (Crime Lab) for additional forensic toxicology analysis.

A DPO wishing to use crime lab analysis shall first obtain SDPO approval and explain the need for lab testing in that instance. Approval for Crime Lab testing will be based on factors specific to the case. 


Evidentiary urine sample containers submitted to the SLOSO crime lab are to be sealed in a plastic bag to minimize the possibility of leakage and be packaged in a Crime Lab envelope according to the instructions on the envelope. Samples shall be transported to the Crime Lab by sworn staff with the chain of custody documented on the envelope and in the “Tests” tab in Monitor.

During regular Crime Lab hours, evidentiary urine samples will be turned over directly to a member of the Crime Lab staff. After regular hours, evidentiary urine samples will be deposited in the Crime Lab drop box.


DPOs will document the results of the presumptive drug test in the “Tests” tab in Monitor for the offender by completing all boxes and dropdown menus. The disposition of the sample (i.e. “discarded,” “booked at lab”) and whether a Statement of Admission Form was signed, are to be documented in the “Note” box.

If a urine sample is to be booked at the Crime Lab, the DPO will email the SDPO approving the crime lab analysis seeking approval or reminding the SDPO of verbal approval already given. The approving SDPO will add notes to the Monitor test entry for the offender documenting the approval.