Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

3.13 Donations for Justice Involved Persons

Location Department Wide Operations
Section N/A
Subject 3.13 Donations for Justice Involved Persons
Purpose Establish a procedure for accepting, logging and reporting donations made from community members, staff or outside agencies.
Effective Date 11/1/2022 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


Staff and/or outside parties have on occasion donated various items such as clothing, hygiene items, gift cards, toys, etc. for justice involved persons and/or their families.  Any donations received by the Probation Department must be recorded and later reported out in the Department’s quarterly budget update report.  


  1. Probation Department staff shall obtain the approval of a Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) prior to accepting any donations to the Probation Department 
  2. The SDPO will inform the Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO) of the request for accepting donations 
  3. Once approved and upon accepting any donation, staff shall obtain a donation form from the donor which includes the date the donation was received and an approximate dollar amount value of the donation 
  4. Staff shall forward the completed donation form to the Finance Administrative Services Officer (ASO) 
  5. Finance ASO shall log the donation in the Donations Log and save an electronic copy of the completed donation form
  6. Cash value donations (i.e., gift cards, bus passes, etc.) shall be secured, tracked and accounted for in accordance with the County Cash Handling Policy
    1. Maintained in a safe at Casa Loma or a safe at another Probation office.
    2. Log maintained which includes date of receipt and date of issuance out
  7. A Donation Letter shall be completed in all instances where the donor requests documentation of the donation
    1. The Donation Letter is found in MySLO/Department Wide Procedures/ Department Wide Operations Folder
    2. Staff member accepting donation, or designee, is responsible for ensuring letter is completed, distributed and saved
      1. Letter shall include date donation was received and approximate dollar amount value of the donation as provided by the donor
      2. Letter shall be routed to the Chief Probation Officer (CPO) for signature
      3. Staff member shall provide original letter with CPO signature to the donor for their records
      4. Staff member shall forward an electronic copy of the signed letter via email to their supervisor AND the Finance ASO
      5. Finance ASO shall save copy of signed letter with original donation form
  8. Donations shall be tracked and recorded on an ongoing basis
    1. Quarterly Budget Update Reports
      1. The Department Administrator (DA) shall include all donations accepted by the Probation Department in the respective quarterly budget update report