Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
3.13 Donations for Justice Involved Persons
Location | Department Wide Operations |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 3.13 Donations for Justice Involved Persons |
Purpose | Establish a procedure for accepting, logging and reporting donations made from community members, staff or outside agencies. |
Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
Staff and/or outside parties have on occasion donated various items such as clothing, hygiene items, gift cards, toys, etc. for justice involved persons and/or their families. Any donations received by the Probation Department must be recorded and later reported out in the Department’s quarterly budget update report.
- Probation Department staff shall obtain the approval of a Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) prior to accepting any donations to the Probation Department
- The SDPO will inform the Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO) of the request for accepting donations
- Once approved and upon accepting any donation, staff shall obtain a donation form from the donor which includes the date the donation was received and an approximate dollar amount value of the donation
- Staff shall forward the completed donation form to the Finance Administrative Services Officer (ASO)
- Finance ASO shall log the donation in the Donations Log and save an electronic copy of the completed donation form
- Cash value donations (i.e., gift cards, bus passes, etc.) shall be secured, tracked and accounted for in accordance with the County Cash Handling Policy
- Maintained in a safe at Casa Loma or a safe at another Probation office.
- Log maintained which includes date of receipt and date of issuance out
- A Donation Letter shall be completed in all instances where the donor requests documentation of the donation
- The Donation Letter is found in MySLO/Department Wide Procedures/ Department Wide Operations Folder
- Staff member accepting donation, or designee, is responsible for ensuring letter is completed, distributed and saved
- Letter shall include date donation was received and approximate dollar amount value of the donation as provided by the donor
- Letter shall be routed to the Chief Probation Officer (CPO) for signature
- Staff member shall provide original letter with CPO signature to the donor for their records
- Staff member shall forward an electronic copy of the signed letter via email to their supervisor AND the Finance ASO
- Finance ASO shall save copy of signed letter with original donation form
- Donations shall be tracked and recorded on an ongoing basis
- Quarterly Budget Update Reports
- The Department Administrator (DA) shall include all donations accepted by the Probation Department in the respective quarterly budget update report
- Quarterly Budget Update Reports