Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
5.23 Processing a New Hire
Location | Support Services-Human Resources |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 5.23 Processing a New Hire |
Purpose | This serves as a guide for the steps necessary to hire/re-hire a new employee. |
Effective Date | 1/1/2018 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
If the employee is re-entering as a temporary employee or reinstating to their previous position, email the backgrounds unit prior to proceeding with the New Hire Checklist and Onboarding checklist. This is regardless of if approval was given to hire back the employee, backgrounds may need to update/clear information prior to moving forward.
Utilize the New Hire Checklist as well as the Onboarding checklist for necessary tasks regarding this transaction.
Email Probation’s assigned HR Tech to request onboarding to be activated. Provide the tech with the full birth date and social security number. Utilize the New Hire Spreadsheet Template to share information with the tech.
In NeoGov, if needed create a new requisition. Add the appropriate PCN that the employee will be hired to. Note: if the vacant PCN needs to be converted in SAP and NeoGov (i.e. JSO II to JSO I) email Probation’s assigned HR Tech and request the PCN be converted. This must be done prior to submitting a requisition with the PCN attached to it. In the notes section of the request, specify which candidate from which list should be certified to the new requisition. If no new requisition is needed, and the correct PCN is attached or can be attached to the current requisition, move the employee to the hire tab and follow the prompts.
If the employee is starting in a sworn position, email [email protected] to notify of the employee’s name, position, start date and when the DPT is meeting with the employee for onboarding. This will allow a union representative to meet with the new employee during the onboarding appointment.
Create Confirmation of Job Offer and Uniform Letter if applicable. Ensure the Chief Probation Officer signs the offer letter and uniform letter prior to the new employee signing.
Email the employee with information regarding the following: Uniforms, Benefit Information, Confirmation of Job Offer Letter and Uniform Letter. Include a confirmation of the scheduled onboarding meeting.
Prepare for the onboarding meeting by printing policies, checklists, and forms that are not in NeoGov Onboarding. Review these items with the employee at the meeting.
Notify the following employees of the new hire via email, include new hire name, start date, position title, and supervisor.
DAS III and DAS II (IT/Automation for Add User/Email and Security Access), HR supervisor, Executive Assistant to the Chief (for E-mail Groups/Org Chart/Badges for sworn only), PR_PSU (Professional Standards Unit) appropriate Chief Deputy and SDPO/Supervisor; CC to the Chief Probation Officer, Assistant Chief Probation Officer, Chief Deputy over Support Services and other DPT.
If applicable, complete a telephone request for new phone number, etc. Please note: front desk staff at JSC will have ext. 5352 and Casa front desk ext. 5300, no need to complete a phone request. Update master telephone list. Notify the employee of anything related to phone line, once it is set up.
Request an ID card from the Supervisor over Professional Standards. Email PR_PSU with the ID Request template, provide the employee’s name, title and if a temporary or permanent employee. Request the new hire be enrolled in NEO (New Employee Orientation) and DHP (Discrimination & Harassment Program). Note: Once the training unit schedules NEO, ensure the new employee signs off on correlating tasks in NeoGov.
Assemble the Administrative and Medical files for the new employee.
Email PR_STAFF announcing the new hire’s name, position, and assignment. Include a photo of the employee.
Upon completion of onboarding tasks in NeoGov, email the Department’s HR Tech to complete hiring the employee in SAP. Central HR will confirm once the employee is hired in SAP. Once confirmation is obtained, request that the Auditor’s Office input the employee to BenXcel. Email employee with copy to the employee’s supervisor(s) notifying them that they can log in and elect coverage through BenXcel. Add employee’s picture to NeoGov. Print out copies of the PAF and I-9 (double-sided) to be filed in the appropriate places.
IT will confirm when the employee’s County email address is set up. Update the employee’s profile in NeoGov by adding their County email address in place of their personal email address.
Add the New Employee to the following lists and rosters:
- Add employee to the Employee Information List.
- Add employee to the Employee Roster by site.
- Print the Employee Contact Information (ECI) Form and place a copy in employee’s file.
- E-mail the ECI form to both front desks with a copy to the other DPT. Request that front desk staff add this form to the ECI binders, add mailboxes, create nameplate, etc.
- If applicable, add the employee to the Bilingual List.
- Add employee to the Current Perm Employee List.
- Assign Time Sheet Approver Group (Info Type 9993) and Unemployment Work (Info Type 209) in SAP (after HR enters employee into SAP).
- If the new hire is a JSO, edit the manager in NeoGov Perform to include the SDPOs at Juvenile Hall.