Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

5.15 Probation Personnel Procedure for Auditing Timecards

Location Support Services-Human Resources
Section N/A
Subject 5.15 Probation Personnel Procedure for Auditing Timecards
Purpose This serves as a guide for auditing timecards for a complete pay period.
Effective Date 10/20/2020 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 11/1/2022 12:00 AM


The County’s pay periods are in two-week increments, which begin on Sundays and end on Saturdays. The following process explains how to process payroll reports in the first and second week of the pay period as well as the process once a pay period is closed.

Cost Centers


Administration, Personnel


Juvenile Services Center


Juvenile Hall


Juvenile Hall Coastal Valley Academy


Adult Probation


Revenue Recovery/ Collections/ PDFR


Pay Period Week 1 Process


Week 1, Friday morning (Juvenile Hall) SAP Report to determine who has not completed their timecard.

Log into SAP and select “CATC – Time Sheet: Time Leveling”

  1. Click on “get variant” (SHIFT+F5) icon.
  2. Enter The username of the HR rep in the “Created by” field and click on execute (F8) icon.
  3. Select “No Timecard PR” as the “variant name” and click on of choose the Green checkmark Icon.
  4. Enter the current week’s dates in the “Period” boxes with the Sunday date in the first box and the Saturday date in the second “To” box and click the execute icon or hit F8.
  5. The report will display the names in the “Name of Employee or Applicant” column.  Highlight the column and right click to select “copy text”.
  6. Send email to PR_JUV_HALL_DPO and CC the Assistant Chief Probation Officer, HR SAC II and DPT. (for Juvenile Hall ONLY employees) Separate into two groups based on “permanent employees” and “temporary employees – only required if worked.”

Note: Management team members (Chief, Chief Deputies, SAC II to Chief), staff on extended leave and employees on paid administrative leave should not be listed in this email.)

  1. Send a second email with blind copy (bcc) to permanent Juvenile Hall employees who have not completed their timecards. You can include management members in this email notification. Copy SAC II and other DPT.


Week 1, Friday afternoon

Part 1: Run timecards for the entire department using CATS_APPR_LITE. For week 1 of the pay period, you can ignore the timecards of JSOs I/II/III who have a cost center of 1390300000 or 1390400000 as these timecards will be reviewed in week 2. *SDPOs and Chief Deputy with cost center 1390300000 (Juvenile Hall) do need their timecards reviewed weekly.

Run CATS_APPR_LITE report to review all employee timecards based on the steps below:

  1. Log into SAP and select “CATS_APPR_LITE – Approve Working Time”
  2. Click on “WKLY HR CHK” icon from the top icons.
    1. In the Period Section, subsection Reporting Period “other period”  you will type the date of the beginning of the pay period (Sunday date) in the first filed and the end of the week (Saturday date) in the second field.
    2. In the Selection of Time Sheet section, subsection Processing status, you will want the first field to display “10” and the second field to be “60”
    3. Click on execute or
  3. Review all timecards not at cost center 13903/13904 (except SDPOs & Chief Deputy at JH).
    1. Verify all full time employees have coded 40 hours for the week
    2. Verify all part-time employees have coded at least 20 hours for the week
    3. If there has been a holiday in the week, verify each employee has coded a holiday
      1. Note: Annual Leave employees who not code holidays. Only JH employees can participate in Annual Leave therefore, we can ignore this during the first week since JSO I/II/III timecards are not reviewed in week 1.
      2. Note: Part-time employees, employees on leave, employees on reduce work schedule or employees who took Leave Without Pay (LWOP or code 60) in the four weeks prior to the holiday will have a partial holiday pay. Please refer to Holiday pay report in HRàSAC IIàSAP reportsàHoliday Pay Report
    4. Ensure if a DPO has used code 11, they either worked on a Saturday or a Sunday.
      1. Note: Exception is DPO IIIs assigned to NTF assignment or DPOs who worked a shift at Juvenile Hall indicated by having 1390300000 in the Rec Cctr code for the day they worked at JH.  If a DPO works a swing shift at JH, they would also be able to use code 12 for those hours.
    5. If an employee codes more than 40 hours of working time (codes 10,11&12) they should have either comp time (70) or overtime (20) used for those additional hours.
      1. Note: They must have 40 hours of working time. If they have a holiday (code 36), vacation time (35), sick time (30), etc. they will not be able to code comp time until they reach the 40 hours of working time. For example: if there was a holiday and an employee worked 40 hours, they will get paid for 40 regular hours and 8 holiday hours with no comp time; however, if they worked 48 hour for the week,  40 would be regular time and 8 would be comp time/overtime.
    6. Employees cannot work more than 24 hours in one day.
      1. Exception: If there is a holiday a JH SDPO may code up to 32 hours (24 hours plus 8 hours of holiday pay).
      2. On October 20, 2020, Chief Reyes wrote, “Juvenile Hall SDPOs will ONLY code 24 hours per day and adjust 4A time when they are unavailable, i.e. vacation, sick or actually working in the facility”.
    7. Most DPOs do not code standby during the week unless they help at JH, however the 3 DPO Task Force positions may.
  1. For the Adult/Juvenile Division email, send to PR_TEAMLDRS with copy to SAC II and other DPT. For the Juvenile Hall email, send to PR_JUV-HALLSDPOS with copy to Assistant Chief Probation Officer, HR SAC II, DPT Subject line: Outstanding timecards – Juvenile Hall (or Adult/JSC Divisions) Body of email will have three sections; “Timecards need completion,” “Timecards need correction” and “Timecards need verification of time & approval” In the “Timecards need verification or time & approval,” write each employee’s name that the timecard needs to be reviewed/approved.

Part 2: Run CATC report again in order to determine who has not completed their timecard. Follow the steps above up to step #6. Any employee who still has not completed their timecard should be added to the Timecard email notification to pertaining parties in the first section titled, “Timecards need completion.”