Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
5.20 Performance Evaluation Report
Location | Support Services-Human Resources |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 5.20 Performance Evaluation Report |
Purpose | This serves as a guideline for creating the evaluation due date report. |
Effective Date | 8/1/2018 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
To get the most accurate report from SAP, run the ZHRR_EVAL_DUE on the Thursday before Payday Friday. For example, if pay day is Friday, July 19, run the report on Thursday, July 18. The date you will run the report for is Saturday July 13, 2019 as that is the last day of the last pay period that closed.
Performance Evaluation Report
- In SAP, Click ZHRR_EVAL_DUE – Evaluation Due Date Report
- “Key date” should automatically reflect the last day of the pay period that was paid MM/DD/YYYY and execute the report. (it will be a Saturday)
- Enter “business area” 1390
- Report layout: /LESS 400HRS
- Execute the report
- Save the report to an excel spreadsheet as “NEW Upcoming Eval Table – DD.MM.YY”
- On the “NEW Upcoming Eval Table” hide all columns, except for the following in caps/bold:
- TM. transfer type txt (change this column to say “PROB OR REG?”)
- Add 3 columns at the end:
- STEP ELIGIBLE? (to indicate Yes or N/A)
- Then, complete the following:
- Delete any employees on the NEW Upcoming Eval report that the PAF has already been submitted to HR for
- Highlight employees already on report previously in blue and complete information in all columns
- Highlight new employee evals in orange and enter if the employee is step eligible, who the supervisor is, and any notes
- Highlight employees that eval due date has changed in green (and update the date in NeoGov PERFORM)
- Add header
- Sort spreadsheet by responsible supervisor name and then by eval due date oldest to newest
- Add new employee evaluation names on the PAF submitted spreadsheet to keep track of paperwork sent to HR
- Hide any lines that include employees on leave or that are assigned to ACPO or CPO
- Send the evaluation template email with subject line “Upcoming Evaluations Report” to PR_TEAMLDRS, cc: SAC II & DPT and attach the NEW Upcoming Eval Table.
For evaluations that are newly activating:
- Send the informational email to the employee and supervisor with copy to SAC II/DPT
- Activate the evaluation in NeoGov (refer to additional steps/instructions if necessary).