Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
5.12 Activating Evaluations in NeoGov
Location | Support Services-Human Resources |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 5.12 Activating Evaluations in NeoGov |
Purpose | This serves as a guide to activating evaluations in NeoGov |
Effective Date | 8/1/2018 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
- In NeoGov Perform search for the employee and click on the evaluation draft title to open it
- Click on the pencil icon next to the due date to edit & update the timeline, if necessary
- Edit the evaluation name, if necessary
- “Start evaluation” to activate it
- “Pause evaluation” and “use wizard editor” to edit
- Step 1: edit “Employee required to complete eval” to reflect “yes” and “with supervisor”
- JSO evaluation process:
- Rating: employee
- Rating: managers
- Approval: CDPO
- Approval: Chief
- Signature: employee
- Process PAF: DPT
- Note: once DPT is informed of which SDPO at Juvenile Hall is submitting the evaluation, update this process to include the SDPO as
Approval & Signature” prior to Step #5 and update the “NEW Upcoming evaluations report” to reflect this change
- Note: once DPT is informed of which SDPO at Juvenile Hall is submitting the evaluation, update this process to include the SDPO as
- Line staff evaluation process:
- Rating: employee
- Rating: supervisor
- Approval: CDPO
- Approval: Chief
- Approval & Signature: supervisor
- Signature: employee
- Process PAF: DPT
- Supervisor evaluation process:
- Rating: employee
- Rating: CDPO
- Approval: Assistant Chief
- Approval: Chief
- Approval & Signature: CDPO
- Signature: employee
- Process PAF: DPT
“Start evaluation” to allow staff to complete the process.