Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

5.25 Processing Leaves of Absences

Location Support Services-Human Resources
Subject 5.25 Processing Leaves of Absences
Purpose This serves as a guidline for processing leaves
Effective Date 1/1/2018 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 11/1/2022 12:00 AM

If an employee needs to be absent more than 5 days, please review the Central HR leave of absence procedure for employees and FAQs to gather preliminary information. Then, notify your department payroll coordinator.

  • DPT requests necessary information from employee such as the dates of anticipated leave, baby due date (if applicable), medical certification form completed by physician (if applicable), whether or not the employee will coordinate time with the state, and what paid accruals should be coded to timecard for duration of leave (if applicable).
  • DPT sends email to HR leave management including the employee’s name, personnel number, department, if their spouse/domestic partner also works for the county (if applicable), and anticipated dates of leave to obtain the current FMLA/CFRA/PDL balance.
  • Within 5 business days from notification of leave DPT provides employee with policies and information: FMLA/CFRA/PDL policy, eligibility/balance of current hours, State coordination information, medical certification form, notice of rights and obligations as a pregnant employee (if applicable) and benefit information.
  • Once required, supporting documentation is received DPT completes leave of absence request and provides it to the employee for review/signature. (if employee is unavailable DPT may write “unavailable to sign”).
  • DPT provides leave of absence request to the Chief along with supporting documentation.
  • DPT emails the leave of absence to the employee, once signed by Chief, with copy to other DPT and SAC II.
  • DPT sends completed PAF, department approved leave of absence request, and any supporting documentation to HR Leave Mgmt.
    1. If employee is on leave for more than 2 weeks, cross off bilingual pay on PAF (to resume upon return from leave).
  • If leave is approved by Central HR, DPT provides HR approved copy to the employee along with Leave Designation letter (a leave designation letter is not required each time the leave is extended). If leave is denied, DPT discusses alternative leave options available with employee.
  • DPT completes and approves employee’s timecard for duration of leave.
  • Employee is responsible to keep department updated on status while on approved leave. If applicable, employee notifies DPT of actual baby birth date and provides department with birth certificate.
    1. DPT emails HR Leave mgmt the birth date of the baby, with copy to DPT and SAC II
  • At least one week prior to planned return to work date, DPT reminds employee to send us a return to work note from their physician, if applicable. The note must indicate full duty or any restrictions and the date the employee will return to work.
    1. If no restrictions, proceed to next step of process.
    2. If restrictions, the interactive process for employees may be started.
    3. If the leave is extended, the DPT should submit a new leave of absence request (if employee is released from PDL but continuing out on leave to baby bond, notify HR Leave Mgmt).
  • On the day the employee returns to work, DPT sends HR Leave mgmt PAF, return to duty form and supporting documentation, if necessary. (an employee returning to a reduced work schedule or intermittent leave should remain on leave status).
    1. If applicable, write back in the wage type for bilingual pay status to resume.