Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
5.28 Separating Unpaid Interns
Location | Support Services-Human Resources |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 5.28 Separating Unpaid Interns |
Purpose | This serves as a guideline for separating unpaid interns. |
Effective Date | 1/1/2018 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
Email Probation Automation/DAS with copy to SAC II and other DPT the separating intern’s name, date of separation, and specify if “user” should be deleted or disabled.
Process the telephone request for phone line swaps, or vacant lines as needed.
Once the telephone request is complete, Personnel will notify the supervisor of anything related to the phone line as needed.
Update the Employee Telephone Log. Update the appropriate building maps. Update the Probation Intern List.
Notify front desks to remove the emergency contact information, provide any updates on phone lines, etc. as necessary.
Move employee’s digital admin file log to the “separated employee” file folder.
Record separation date on the employee admin file and send file to DPT at Casa Loma for filing away (separated intern files are kept for 5 years after final separation date).
Email designated AAIII at Human Resources the intern name and driver’s license number to request they are removed from the Authorized County Driver list.
Remove/update employee on the Employee Safety Roster. Remove/update intern on the Employee Contact Info – Confidential list.