
ADA Transition Plan

The ADA required that public entities draft a transition plan to be completed by July 26th, 1992. The ADA Transition Plan was to identify any structural changes necessary to achieve program accessibility.

Algae and Algal Toxin Information

The Water Quality Division of San Luis Obispo County monitors for algal growth and harmful algal blooms (HABs) year-round at Lopez Lake, Nacimiento Reservoir, Salinas Reservoir, and Whale Rock Reservoir. Identifying the algal type and cell count supports drinking water treatment facilities with process management and helps detect the presence of algal toxins which pose a health risk to humans and animals. One type of algae that can indicate the potential presence of algal toxins is blue-green algae or cyanobacteria. The California cell count trigger for potential algal toxin producers is 4000 cells/mL. However, the Water Quality Division begins algal toxin testing when blue-green algae reach a count of 2000 cells/mL.  If the algal toxin screens are positive, then a second test is implemented for quantitation and immediate public notification.The current algal toxin monitoring of the reservoirs and further information on harmful algal blooms can be found below.

Post-Construction Stormwater Guidebook

The County’s Stormwater Program is pleased to provide an updated Post-Construction Stormwater Guidebook for new and redevelopment projects within the County’s Phase II Municipal Stormwater Management Areas. The Post-Construction Stormwater Guidebook replaces the County’s LID Handbook, which was initially released in 2014.

The Guidebook serves as a guidance document that communicates the County’s expectations for post-construction stormwater management and strategies that meet the Central Coast Region Post-Construction Stormwater Requirements. The Central Coast Region Post-Construction Stormwater Requirements prevail as the authority on design standards that the County is required to enforce.

Incorporated cities within in the Central Coast Region are welcomed to adopt the strategies, forms and templates included in the Guidebook and this page at their discretion. Please note: the County’s authority for plan check is limited to unincorporated areas and the County is not affiliated or involved with plan reviews or code interpretations made by separate permitting jurisdictions.

Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan

The Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (“Plan”) is a multi-year planning document designed to identify, prioritize, and track the progress of capital projects with estimated costs over $100,000 that relate to the maintenance, improvement, or building of facilities or infrastructure during the period of FY 2024-25 through FY 2028-29.

The following dropdown menus will display the Plan, along with the Individual Project Information Sheets, which include detailed information about each capital project in the Plan.

Development Plan Checking

Review construction documents associated with land development

Drainage Studies

These reports summarize findings, conclusions and recommendations of the Drainage and Flood Control Study conducted for seven San Luis Obispo communities.

Drinking Water Source Assessments

These assessments identify the vulnerability of the drinking water supply to contamination from typical human activities, intending to facilitate and provide the basic information for each community to develop a program to protect the drinking water supply.

Master Water Report

The Master Water Report (MWR) is a comprehensive plan evaluating water management strategies - including optimization of existing water supplies - to meet water resource needs County-wide.

Pavement Management Report

Since 1997, the Public Works Department has maintained a formal pavement management program for documenting road conditions, forecasting pavement maintenance and scheduling maintenance funds for the road network.

Project Bid Results

Bid results for Public Works projects since 2009.

Public Improvement Standards

The purpose of establishing Public Improvement Standards is to help provide public facilities and services that ensure health and safety and enhance quality of life for the community.

Public Works Public Records Request

Public Works provides access to public records per the California Public Records Act (CPRA). Examples of requests Public Works is best suited to handle would pertain to County roadways, mapping, improvement projects or water data.

Title VI

Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act requires that "No person in the united States shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." 

Traffic Circulation Studies

Traffic Circulation Studies involve the creation of a new computerized traffic models that would reasonably simulate current traffic flow patterns and also forecast future travel demands and traffic flow patterns.

Traffic Counts

The County of San Luis Obispo Public Works Department maintains traffic count data for all County maintained roads.

Traffic Regulations Code Book

The Traffic Regulations Code Book outlines the provisions and regulations previously contained in Title 15 of the County Code.

Water Quality Reports

Details on where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to State standards.

Watershed Sanitary Surveys

Each survey is compiled to provide information identifying existing and future sources of water contamination, provide a baseline of water quality and watershed conditions, and recommend watershed management practices that will protect raw water quality.


The Adopt-A-Road program allows the public to directly contribute to roadside maintenance through litter collection and removal. In addition to the aesthetic benefits of cleaner and more beautiful roadsides, participants help to prevent potential pollutants from entering our waterways. Participating in the Adopt-A-Road program is a great way to promote civic responsibility and community pride.

Bridge Maintenance and Replacement Program

The Bridge Delivery Team executes the County’s Capital Plan for the improvement of the County’s bridges, culverts and other structures through the effective and economic utilization of human and fiscal resources in the preparation and review of engineering reports, detailed design plans, technical specifications and construction contract documents.

Central Coast Clean

The Central Coast Clean anti-littering educational campaign was launched across San Luis Obispo County in October 2020 with unified support and partnership between all seven incorporated cities and the County. The campaign spotlights the detrimental impacts of litter on community public spaces and natural areas and promotes sustainable alternatives and best practices.

Contrail How-To Videos

Videos outlining how to use the County's real-time rain and stream monitoring service at

Cooperative Road Improvement Program

The Cooperative Road Improvement Program was put in place to help local residents upgrade existing unpaved County maintained roads to paved roads or bring roads to a County standard for acceptance into the maintained system.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

The California Department of Transportation, through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), requires the County of San Luis Obispo to adopt and execute a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program for the hiring of disadvantaged businesses for projects receiving Federal-aid funds. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are defined as those for-profit small businesses where 51% of the business (as defined by the United States Small Business Administration) is owned by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of the socially and economically disadvantaged individuals who own it.

Current Engineering Job Openings

Public Works employs civil engineers and surveyors in many roles across six different work groups. Currently, we are seeking to fill the following positions. To submit an application click here


Invasive Mussels

Outlines the ongoing Quagga/Zebra mussel programs throughout San Luis Obispo County.

Lake Nacimiento Mussel Inspection Program

Boat inspection program for Lake Nacimiento to prevent the spread of Quagga and Zebra Mussels.

Lopez Lake and Santa Margarita Mussel Inspection Program

Boat inspection program for Lopez Lake and Santa Margarita Lake to prevent the spread of Quagga and Zebra Mussels.

Lake Nacimiento Resident Vessel Program

Additional feature of the Mussel Prevention Program available to participating, eligible private launch ramps at Lake Nacimiento.

Live Water and Weather Data

Live weather and water information including Stream, Rain and Reservoir levels in San Luis Obispo County.

Los Osos Low Income Financial Assistance Program

This program provides financial assistance (up to 50% of the annual sewer service charge component) to low income households in the Los Osos community.

Los Osos Water Conservation Rebate Program - For Homeowner Installation

To date, Public Works has spent 1.6 million dollars on the water conservation program. The goal of reducing indoor water usage to 50 gallons per day per person has been achieved (current indoor water usage is now 40 gallons per person). 

We continue to find ways to achieve a sustainable groundwater basin. Public Works coordinates groundwater sustainable efforts with the Los Osos Basin Management Committee.

Public Works continues to issue rebates for conserving water for customers in the sewer service area by issuing rebates for water efficient toilets, showerheads, washing machines, hot water recirculation systems, complete gray water systems and laundry only gray water systems.

Please refer to your water purveyor or State for other water saving rebate.

If you wish to apply for a rebate for plumber installed fixtures and retrofits please see the Plumber Installation Rebate service.


Los Osos Water Conservation Rebate Program - For Plumber Installation

To date, Public Works has spent 1.6 million dollars on the water conservation program. The goal of reducing indoor water usage to 50 gallons per day per person has been achieved (current indoor water usage is now 40 gallons per person). 

We continue to find ways to achieve a sustainable groundwater basin. Public Works coordinates groundwater sustainable efforts with the Los Osos Basin Management Committee.

Public Works continues to issue rebates for conserving water for customers in the sewer service area by issuing rebates for water efficient toilets, showerheads, washing machines, hot water recirculation systems, complete gray water systems and laundry only gray water systems.

Please refer to your water purveyor or State for other water saving rebate.

If you wish to apply for a rebate for homeowner installed fixtures and retrofits please see the Homeowner Installation Rebate service.


Los Osos Water Recycling Facility Tours

Schedule a Tour at our Los Osos Water Recycling Facility.

North Coast Watersheds

North Coast Planning Area contains 5 Watersheds

North County Watersheds

North County Planning Area contains 11 Watersheds

Road Maintenance Requests

The County of San Luis Obispo Public Works Department is responsible for maintenance and installation of signal lights, road signs, and road striping, in addition to roadway maintenance and improvements. A request should be submitted to report problems and concerns with County maintained signals, signs, striping, and other road maintenance issues including potholes or roadway surface treatment.

South County Watersheds

South County Planning Area contains 9 Watersheds

Stormwater Requirements for New Construction

Development Services Division ensures site plans incorporate the appropriate post-construction stormwater runoff controls. Staff can assist applicants with determining which State requirements apply to their project and provide reference resources for achieving compliance. Applicants are advised to consider post-construction runoff requirements during the site design process.

Underground Infiltration Systems and Dry Wells Registration

Dry wells and other sub-surface stormwater infiltration practices/technologies serving uses other than single-family homes are considered Class V wells, subject to US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) regulations. Typically, Class V wells are shallow wells used to place a variety of fluids directly below the land surface. By definition, a well is “any bored, drilled, driven shaft, or dug hole that is deeper than its widest surface dimension, or an improved sinkhole, or a subsurface fluid distribution system” and an “injection well” is a “well” into which “fluids” are being injected (40 CFR §144.3).  A guide can be found here: Class V Well Guide.

Stormwater dry wells and other sub-surface stormwater infiltration practices/technologies may be authorized to operate as long as they are registered with the US EPA, and only inject uncontaminated stormwater. The County of San Luis Obispo currently requires Class V Well registration as part of permitting new development.

Wastewater Facility Odor Complaint Form

The County is seeking assistance from citizens in identifying odor-related issues in the community. Please be our noses and report nuisance odors by calling us or filling out this form during (or as soon as possible) the smell is noticed. When speaking with staff, please be prepared to report the following: Name and phone number Date, time and location when the odor was present

Water Conservation

Water conservation is an effort to use our limited natural resource of water wisely and responsibly for our current and future needs. Whether or not we are in a drought, fresh, clean water is a scarce resource and every drop counts. Through long-term planning and education, we are Making Water Conservation A Way Of Life. Tips on how to conserve water can be found here.

Water Information Directory

Your one-stop shop to anything water related in San Luis Obispo County and more.  Below, you'll find links to webpages with information about water sources, providers, management efforts and many other topics. We hope you can find what you're looking for!

GIS of Survey Maps

GIS of the County Survey Maps and Corner Records.  Open Map in New Page | Search Map Index

Interactive Bikeway Map

GIS map of all County maintained bridges and plans for proposed bikeway improvements and installations.

Interactive Groundwater Basins Map

Groundwater basins throughout San Luis Obispo County.

Los Osos Sewer Lateral and Septic Tank Locations

Locations for sewer laterals and septic tanks in Los Osos.


County maps available for reference and download.

Public Works GIS

The Department of Public Works maintains GIS information for Road Closures and Delays, Los Osos Sewer Laterals, Survey Map Indexes, and Groundwater Basins.

Record Map Index

Scans of the County's recorded maps. These include: Records of Survey, Tract Maps, Parcel Maps, Corner Records, and other miscellaneous maps.

Record Plan Index

Scans of various County engineering plans including: bridges, curbs, Parcel and Tract Map Improvement Plans, Road Plans, Right of Way Plans, and State Highway Plans.

Road Closure, Delays and Status

Road closures and delays due to ongoing projects, events, storms or other emergency events.


Road closures and delays are subject to change due to weather.

SLO Watersheds →

Watershed maps and data for San Luis Obispo County.

Street Sweeping Schedule

Schedules for street sweeping performed on designated County-maintained roads. The street sweeping program encompasses urbanized areas as designated by NPDES MS4 boundaries. Schedules may vary. Weather dependent.

Additional requests for service can be made here:

Survey Map Review

The County Surveyor's office reviews all Records of Survey and Corner Records filed in the county. We also review Parcel Maps and Tract Maps that are processed by the County.

See our forms section for: checklist, forms, informational documents and other documents pertaining to the survey map review process. 


Building Permit Review

This service is to evaluate building permits for drainage, stormwater, erosion control, flood hazard, and driveway encroachments.

Bus/Transit Passes

Purchase bus passes for RTA (Regional Transit Authority) & SCT (South County Transit).

C&I Agreements

A Checking and Inspection Agreement (C&I) is between an applicant and the Department of Public Works that allows staff to perform review of applications such as development projects associated with Tract Maps, Parcel Maps, Public Improvements (i.e., curb, gutter, sidewalk, and road widening), or review of applications involving FEMA, drainage, and stormwater, or review of major utility projects within right-of-way, or review of Lot Line Adjustments. The C&I Agreement also covers any needed inspections by staff related to the submitted application/ project to ensure a project is constructed per Federal/State/County standards.

Development Fee Appeals

See Development Services Fee Schedule

Drainage and Flood Hazard Review

Building Permit review for potential drainage or flood hazards.

Encroachment Permit Payment

Electronic Payments

With an Encroachment or Transportation permit number, payments can now be made electronically through our new payment portal system at any time. By accessing the Citizens Connect Portal, and creating an account, you can then pay for permits online and view permit information. There will no longer be the need to call in permit payments. 

  • Major Credit Cards Only
  • Debit Cards Ok
  • No E-Checks

For help with an electronic payment, please follow the payment guide below.

You can also click here to download a PDF version of this guide.

Encroachment Permits

An Encroachment Permit is a permit which allows people to work within or use the County right of way. An Encroachment Permit is required whenever an activity (e.g. construction, events, etc.) takes place in the County right of way.

Road Abandonments and Vacations

Road abandonments are processed by the Public Works Department. Inquiries about the process can be made by emailing [email protected] or calling 805-781-5252. An individual seeking the abandonment and discontinuance of a public road may submit an Application. For more information on the road abandonment process please refer to Frequently Asked Questions.

Sewer and Water Connections (Will Serve)

The County of San Luis Obispo provides water and/or sewer services for specific County Service Areas (CSAs). These services are managed through issuance of water/sewer Will Serve letters.

Email Will Serve inquiries and requests to [email protected]

Special Event Permits

If any traffic control, route markers, road/lane closures, pre-event advertising, participant fee, or event activities takes place in County Right-of-Way.

Transportation Permits

Request permission to haul, drive, or tow an oversized vehicle on County roads

CSA Water Services

Residents of Shandon, Cayucos, and Santa Margarita can start or stop Water Services using the web-forms inside each dropdown menu below.

NEW Pay Your Water Bill

Residents of Shandon, Cayucos, and Santa Margarita can pay their water bills online at