Post-Construction Stormwater Guidebook


Final Draft Guidebook Documents:

Post-Construction Guidebook Preliminary Draft with Markup (PDF)

Summary of Comments and County Response (PDF)

Final Draft Documents for Review and Comment:

(Word documents with commenting enabled.)

How to Comment

Final Draft Post-Construction Guidebook

Appendix A: Hyperlinks & Resources Final Draft

Appendix B: Opportunities & Constraints Analysis Final Draft

Appendix C: Class V Wells Final Draft

Appendix D: Plant Palettes Final Draft

Appendix E-1: Example Projects (Main St. Park and Ride)

Appendix E-2: Example Project (San Luis Bay Hotel)

Appendix F: SCM Inspection Checklists

Stormwater Control Plan Template (Word Template)

Stormwater Control Plan Application (Fillable PDF)

Return email word documents with your comments saved to [email protected] by Friday, July 12, 2024.

Preliminary Draft Guidebook Documents:

The Preliminary Draft Post-Construction Stormwater Guidebook was released for public review in April 2023. The County hosted a webinar summarizing the most notable updates and changes in the new Guidebook in early June 2023. The comment period for the Preliminary Draft closed on June 30, 2023. The webinar slide deck can be viewed at the link below.

Post-Construction Guidebook Updates Webinar Slide Deck (PDF)