Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
2.11 Coastal Valley Academy Treatment Room Computer and Printer
Location | CVA Programmatic |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 2.11 Coastal Valley Academy Treatment Room Computer and Printer |
Purpose | To provide guidelines for when and how youth may use the CVA Treatment Room Computer and Printer. |
Effective Date | 3/3/2018 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
Youth in CVA who to need access to a computer and/or printer may be allowed use the CVA Treatment Room Computer and/or Printer during free time and with prior approval.
Specific Procedure
- Youth in CVA who need to use a computer or printer may be permitted to access the computer and/or printer located in the CVA Treatment Room
- Youth can request to use the CVA Treatment Room printer in writing or in person
- Use will be allowed during free time and at the discretion of staff
- Only one youth may access the computer and/or printer at a time
- Staff shall accompany the youth to the CVA Treatment Room and remain with the youth while the youth uses the computer and/or printer
- Youth will need to sign in on the CVA Treatment Room Computer/Printer Sign-In Sheet before accessing the computer and/or printer
- Youth shall use the computer and/or printer in a responsible and considerate manner
- Youth shall not change or attempt to change any computer and/or printer settings