Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

2.11 Coastal Valley Academy Treatment Room Computer and Printer

Location CVA Programmatic
Section N/A
Subject 2.11 Coastal Valley Academy Treatment Room Computer and Printer
Purpose To provide guidelines for when and how youth may use the CVA Treatment Room Computer and Printer.
Effective Date 3/3/2018 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


Youth in CVA who to need access to a computer and/or printer may be allowed use the CVA Treatment Room Computer and/or Printer during free time and with prior approval.

Specific Procedure

  1. Youth in CVA who need to use a computer or printer may be permitted to access the computer and/or printer located in the CVA Treatment Room
    1. Youth can request to use the CVA Treatment Room printer in writing or in person
    2. Use will be allowed during free time and at the discretion of staff
    3. Only one youth may access the computer and/or printer at a time
  2. Staff shall accompany the youth to the CVA Treatment Room and remain with the youth while the youth uses the computer and/or printer
  3. Youth will need to sign in on the CVA Treatment Room Computer/Printer Sign-In Sheet before accessing the computer and/or printer
  4. Youth shall use the computer and/or printer in a responsible and considerate manner
    1. Youth shall not change or attempt to change any computer and/or printer settings