Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

2.9 Coastal Valley Academy Run Club Events

Location CVA Programmatic
Section N/A
Subject 2.9 Coastal Valley Academy (CVA) Run Club Events
Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the safe and appropriate participation in the Run Club.
Effective Date 12/30/2019 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


The Run Club provides exposure to healthy and positive pro-social activities. Run Club consists of weekly workouts and events such as community runs and races.

Specific Procedure

  1. To be eligible to participate in a Run Club:
    1. Youth shall have a Parent/Guardian Permission Agreement & Liability Release Form on file
    2. Youth shall have an Off-Site Agreement & Contract on file
    3. Youth must be at least Level 2 and must not have frozen or had any significant behavioral issues within the past 24 hours
    4. Youth must not be medically restricted from running activities
  2. Run Club events shall be pre-planned by a CVA Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) or CVA DPOIII in collaboration with a CVA Juvenile Services Officer (JSO) III or CVA Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) to ensure adequate officer coverage for event and the CVA Unit
    1. Weekly Run Club workouts shall be planned at least 24-hours in advance
    2. CVA Run Club participation in community runs and races shall be planned at least one month in advance unless approved by a Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO)
      1. Community runs and races requiring permission slips must be signed by the youth’s parent/guardian
        1. If no parent/guardian is available, the assigned DPO may seek approval of a Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) to request the court approve in lieu of a parent/guardian
      2. Youth wishing to participate in community runs or races must have regular participate in weekly Run Club workouts prior to the run or race 
  3. Youth must wear appropriate running shoes and attire during Run Club activities, as outlined in the CVA Run Club Attire Procedure
  4. Youth are not permitted to use portable media players (e.g. iPod) during Run Club activities unless approved by a SDPO or CDPO
  5. Staff shall adhere to the CVA Outing Procedure during off-site Run Club activities
  6. Youth enrolled in high school must complete a CVA Run Club Activity Log to receive school credit for activities held during school hours
    1. JSOs shall provide youth with CVA Run Club Activity Logs upon returning to the CVA unit
    2. Youth are responsible for completing CVA Run Club Activity Logs and submitting them to their school teacher
    3. Youth who fail to submit CVA Run Club Activity Logs and who are credit deficient may be restricted from participating in CVA Run Club activities