Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
4.12 Interim Procedure for Signatures on Dispositional Orders
Location | Juvenile Services - Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 4.12 Interim Procedure for Signatures on Dispositional Orders |
Purpose | To establish a procedure for obtaining signatures for terms and conditions from the youth and parent/guardian following a dispositional hearing. |
Effective Date | 6/16/2020 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
Juvenile Justice Court hearings are currently being held telephonically or through videoconferencing. As a result, the dispositional terms and conditions are not being signed in Court and the youth and parent/guardian are verbally agreeing to the terms. However, the youth and parent/guardian signatures still need to be obtained and returned to the Court.
Specific Procedure
- The Juvenile Court Officer shall provide the Legal Clerk with dispositional terms and conditions signed by the Judge.
- The Legal Clerk shall:
- Process the terms and conditions.
- Place a copy of the terms and conditions in the youth’s probation file.
- Open an enrollment in Monitor as follows:
- Group: Programs
- Type: TandC
- Agency: Probation
- To start & Start: The date of the Dispositional Hearing
- To end: 15 business days from the Dispositional Hearing for WIC 602 petitions and 30 calendar days for WIC 777s
- Result: Pending
- Open an enrollment in Monitor as follows:
- Place a copy of the terms and conditions in the assigned Deputy Probation Officer’s mailbox.
- The assigned Deputy Probation Officer will be responsible for obtaining signatures (including date of signature) from the youth and the youth’s parent/guardian.
- If either the youth or parent/guardian refuse to sign the terms and conditions, Deputy Probation Officer shall consult with their supervisor.
- If the Dispositional Hearing was regarding a WIC 602 petition, the terms and conditions shall be reviewed with the youth and their parent/guardian and signed in person within 15 business days from the date of the hearing.
- If the Dispositional Hearing was regarding a WIC 777 petition, signatures for the terms and conditions may be obtained in person, by mail with a return envelope affixed with a stamp, or by email.
- If signatures are not collected in person, they shall be obtained within 30 calendar days from the date of the hearing.
- The Deputy Probation Officer shall provide the signed terms and conditions to the Legal Clerk as soon as possible but no later than one business day after obtaining from the youth/family.
- The Legal Clerk shall:
- Email the signed terms and conditions to the court ([email protected]).
- Place the signed terms and conditions in youth’s probation file.
- Close the enrollment in Monitor by:
- Inputting the “end” date as noted by the signatures on the terms and conditions.
- Mark the “Result” field as:
- “OnTime_CP” if signed within required timeframe from the “To start” date.
- “Late_CP” if signed within required timeframe from the “To start” date.