Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
4.7 Child and Family Teams
Location | Juvenile Services - Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 4.7 Child and Family Teams |
Purpose | Identify requirements and establish guidelines for providing Child and Family Teams in cases where youth are placed on court ordered probation supervision. |
Effective Date | 1/1/2022 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
Continuum of Care Reform resulted in changes to the Welfare and Institutions Code requiring county placing agencies to convene Child and Family Team meetings for all youth in foster care. This follows the principle that “child welfare services are most effective when delivered in the context of a child or youth and family-centered, child and family team (CFT) that shares responsibility to assess, plan, intervene, monitor and refine services over time.” (ACL 16-84)
Probation chose to expand use of the CFT model to all youth placed on court ordered probation supervision in adherence to the Integrated Core Practices Model (ICPM).
CFT means a group of individuals who are convened by the placing agency and who are engaged through a variety of team-based processes to identify the strengths and needs of the child or youth and his or her family, and to help achieve positive outcomes for safety, permanency and well-being - WIC 16501(a)(4).
A CFT shall include the youth, family members, the current caregiver, a representative from the placing agency, and other individuals identified by the family as being important. When applicable, the CFT shall also include a tribal representative, behavioral health staff, Court Appointed Special Advocate, and placement specific staff such as a foster family agency social worker or Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) representative.
A CFT should be convened whenever the Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) is considering making a recommendation for a youth to be placed on court ordered probation supervision.
For moderate and high-risk youth on court ordered probation supervision, as assessed on the Youth Level of Service – Case Management Inventory (YLS-CMI), a CFT meeting shall occur within the first 90 days of a youth being placed on probation. For youth being considered for removal from the home, a CFT meeting should be held prior to identifying the most appropriate placement for a youth; however, at a minimum, the CFT must be consulted on this determination prior to placement. In all cases, a CFT meeting shall occur within the first 60 days of a youth being ordered into foster care or within the first 30 days of a youth being committed to the Coastal Valley Academy (CVA) or a Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF).
Note: A youth and family may already have a CFT established through another agency such as Behavioral Health or program such as Wraparound. In this event, the DPO will use the existing team process, expanding or evolving where necessary to make sure the needs and services indicated are addressed.
The activities of a CFT shall include, but not be limited to the following:
- Providing input into the development of a child and family plan that is strength-based, needs-driven, and culturally relevant.
- Providing input into the placement decision made by the placing agency and the services to be provided in order to support the youth.
Some examples of topics or services to be addressed at a CFT meeting include developing case plan objectives, identifying appropriate services/interventions, family finding, least restrictive placement options, identifying supportive connections, school of origin decisions, psychotropic medication decisions, presumptive transfer of specialty mental health services responsibility, etc.…
The DPO shall insure an up-to-date release of information (form 815) is on file that includes all members of the CFT. WIC 832 authorizes members of a CFT to receive and disclose relevant information and records, subject to a valid release of information, in order to promote more effective communication.
CFT meetings shall be facilitated by a trained, neutral facilitator, unless an exception allowing the case carrying DPO to facilitate the meeting is approved in advance by a Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO).
- CFT meetings held as part of Wraparound, Specialty Mental Health Services, or specialized foster care placements (STRTP, Wraparound Foster Care or Therapeutic Foster Care) will be facilitated by the designated service provider.
- All other CFT meetings will be facilitated by trained DPOs.
- The CVA/Placement DPO III will be the primary facilitator for foster care and CVA cases
- A designated Juvenile Services Division DPO will be the primary facilitator for all other cases
- Facilitator shall complete meeting notes on CFT Meeting Notes & Action Plan form and forward notes to the assigned DPO within 72 business hours after the meeting.
- DPO shall review CFT Meeting Notes, Action Plan, save completed form to Monitor, enter journal note to Monitor and forward final copy to all CFT members within 7 calendar days of the CFT meeting.
- CFT meetings held as part of services described in 4(a) shall be scheduled in consultation with the family and designated service provider.
- CFT meetings facilitated by Probation shall be scheduled in coordination with the designated facilitator in 4(b) by using the CFT Meeting Sign-Up Sheet or by contacting a CFT Facilitator directly as follows:
- Choose an available time slot with the appropriate designated facilitator (Placement/CVA or General Facilitator) on the CFT Meeting Sign-Up Sheet located in the F-Drive/Juvenile Division/Juvenile Sign Up Docs folder
- Contact the appropriate designated facilitator at least 10 days in advance to arrange a meeting date outside of those listed on the CFT Meeting Sign-Up Sheet
- CFT meetings requiring scheduling outside of the options in (i) and (ii) shall be scheduled through a SDPO.
- DPO shall complete a CFT Facilitator Referral form and submit to the named facilitator at least 48 business hours in advance of the CFT meeting so the facilitator can prepare for the meeting.
CFT meetings for youth on court ordered supervision should occur as frequently as needed based on individual case circumstances but no less frequently than the following intervals based on YLS-CMI risk level:
Moderate/High Risk Every 90 days
Low Risk As needed
CFT meetings for youth in foster care should occur as frequently as needed (such as when considering a placement change, modifying a case plan, etc.) but no less frequently than the following intervals based on age:
Under 18 Every 90 days
Over 18 (Non-Minor Dependents) Every 6 months
CFT meetings for youth in CVA or a SYTF should occur as frequently as needed (modifying case plan, initiating furloughs, etc.) but no less frequently than the following intervals based on program status:
In-custody CVA and SYTF Youth Every 45 days
Aftercare CVA Youth Every 90 days
For youth receiving Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) such as Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) or Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS), the SMHS provider is required to hold a CFT meeting every ninety (90) days, regardless of risk level.
- Time spent in CFT meetings and traveling to and from CFT meetings should be documented under the following Tractivity Pro categories:
- CFT Foster Care (youth under FC placement order that are not currently in custody)
- CFT Non Foster Care (all others including youth under FC placement order who ARE currently in custody OR youth not under FC order)
- Time spent in CFT meetings and traveling to and from CFT meetings should be documented under the following Tractivity Pro categories:
DPO shall document Foster care CFT meetings in both Monitor and CWS/CMS. DPO shall document CFT meetings for youth not in foster care in Monitor.
Monitor Instructions:
- Enter appropriate date in Journal Tab
- Write in “CFT Meeting” in “Title” box
- Select appropriate CFT option from meeting “Type, with” dropdown based on whether or not it is a foster youth and who was present at the meeting
- Write in “CFT Meeting” in the “with” box
- Select appropriate option from “Location” drop down
- Enter narrative information into the “Notes” section identifying who was present at the CFT meeting, what activities took place, and any modifications made to the case plan