Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
4.11 Interim Procedure for Court Appearances
Location | Juvenile Services - Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 4.11 Interim Procedure for Court Appearances |
Purpose | To establish a procedure for parties to appear remotely for Juvenile Justice Court hearings during COVID-19 pandemic. |
Effective Date | 6/16/2020 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
Juvenile Justice Court hearings are being held remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Coordination is needed to assist the parties with their appearance either telephonically or through Zoom videoconferencing.
- The assigned Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) shall contact the family (and any victims the DPO believes may be planning to participate in the hearing) no later than 48 business hours prior to the hearing to determine their method of appearance.
- Parties providing testimony in a contested hearing must appear by videoconferencing and the DPO shall not give them the option of telephonic participation without supervisor approval.
- Other parties shall be given the option of appearing by Zoom videoconferencing or by Zoom telephone.
- If the party wishes to participate by Zoom videoconferencing but does not have the proper equipment/technology to do so, refer to the Chromebooks for Client Videoconferencing procedure.
- If the party wishes to participate by Zoom telephone, but does not have an email address, obtain the best contact cellular telephone number for the party and explain to them they will receive a phone call or text, before the day of the hearing, with the Zoom phone number for participation in the hearing.
- If the party has barriers to Zoom participation, they may participate in the hearing telephonically by Court Call.
- The DPO shall obtain an email address and the Zoom screen name the party plans to use (if known).
- DPO shall inform the party that they need to log on (video) or call in (phone) to Zoom at the start of the calendar on the day of the hearing and will be placed in a Zoom waiting room until there case is called (which could be at any time during the entirety of the court calendar).
- If the party will be appearing by Court Call, the DPO shall advise the party they need to be available by phone on the designated number during the entirety of the court calendar. The DPO shall also provide contact names and phone numbers for all parties planning to participate in the hearing to the court officer group email list as soon as possible but no later than 24 business hours ahead of the hearing.
- DPO shall forward the party’s email address or phone number (if no email address) to the court officer group email list as soon as possible but no later than 24 business hours ahead of the hearing ([email protected]).
- The DPO shall forward the Zoom invitation to the parties by email (or telephone if no email address) no later than the end of the business day before the hearing.
- DPO shall include information indicating what parties plan to participate in the hearing, and in what manner, in all court reports.
- The Court Officer or designee shall forward Zoom invitations to assigned CASA workers when necessary.
- For new cases or WIC 781 sealing cases assigned to the Court Unit supervisor, the Court Officer, with assistance from the Legal Clerk or Administrative Assistant where needed, will be responsible for arranging appearances as outlined earlier in this procedure.
- For new cases, this process shall include an inquiry about whether the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be requesting a Public Defender or retaining a private attorney.
- The Court Officer will notify the public defender/retained attorney, email them the petition and police report, and email them the zoom invite for the hearing.
- For new cases, this process shall include an inquiry about whether the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be requesting a Public Defender or retaining a private attorney.