Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

4.19 Referrals for Wraparound Services

Location Division Wide
Section N/A
Subject 4.19 Referrals for Wraparound Services
Purpose Establish a procedure for referring probation involved youth for Wraparound Services
Effective Date 7/1/2020 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


Wraparound Services are a key component in the continuum of services available to youth and families involved with the juvenile justice system.  In order for probation involved youth to receive Wraparound Services, the youth must be on court ordered supervision (from WIC 654.2 to WIC 725b wardship) and the youth/family must meet suitability and eligibility requirements.  As there are a limited number of allocations in the county for Wraparound Services and Probation and Child Welfare Services share slots, a process is required for inter-agency collaboration, communication and approval.  

(NOTE: some youth participating in informal services with probation might be eligible for Wraparound Services if they are concurrently participating in Child Welfare Services or have a post adoption case active in the County of San Luis Obispo)


  1. Deputy Probation Officer (DPO) shall first consult with their Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) to determine if Wraparound Services (Wrap) are necessary and appropriate or other reasonable efforts or services would suffice (i.e. Intensive Care Coordination, Full Service Partnership, etc…)
  2. If the SDPO agrees that Wrap is appropriate, the DPO shall complete a Staffing Memo and present the matter at the weekly Probation staffing meeting, pursuant to the Case Staffing procedure.
  3. If the Probation staffing committee approves a referral for Wrap, further steps shall occur as follows:
    1. DPO shall complete a Request for Wrap Consideration form and email to the Legal Clerk (LC).
    2. LC shall email the form to the Child Welfare Services (CWS) Placement Unit at ss_****** and Juvenile Division Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO) for adding to the agenda for the next Inter-agency Placement Committee (IPC) meeting.
    3. Juvenile Division CDPO or designee will present the matter at the IPC meeting to request the case be added onto the Wrap Pending List.
    4. Juvenile Division CDPO or designee will notify the DPO, SDPO and LC of the results of the IPC request.
    5. If the case is not added to the Wrap Pending List, the DPO shall seek other appropriate services for the youth/family.
    6. If the case is added to the Wrap Pending List, the following shall occur:
      1. LC shall submit a Wrap 1 form to the CWS Placement Unit at ss_******
      2. Family Care Network will coordinate with the DPO to schedule a Wrap pre-orientation
      3. DPO shall attend the pre-orientation and make a determination with the rest of the Child and Family Team (CFT) if the youth/family are willing/able to move forward with services
      4. If Wrap services are moving forward following the pre-orientation meeting, the following shall occur:
        1. DPO shall complete IPC approval documents (Forms Interagency Placement Committee 504, CWS 505 Placement Profile and Safe 506) and submit to LC
        2. LC shall email documents to CWS Placement Unit at ss_****** for adding to the agenda for the next IPC meeting for formal approval of Wrap (Note: If approval is needed prior to the next IPC meeting, the DPO or SDPO may consult with the CDPO for emergency IPC approval)
        3. CDPO will notify the DPO, SDPO and LC of results of IPC meeting
        4. If Wrap is approved at IPC, DPO shall attend orientation CFT meeting to initiate services
        5. LC and DPO shall open Wrap and CFT enrollments respectively as described in enrollments procedure