Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
4.15 Monitor Enrollments, Conditions and Flags
Location | Juvenile Services - Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 4.15 Monitor Enrollments, Conditions and Flags |
Purpose | Establish a procedure for the processing of Enrollments, Conditions, and Flags in Monitor to track youth’s participation in programming as well as to track operational requirements such as assessments |
Effective Date | 10/21/2021 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 11/1/2022 12:00 AM |
Deputy Probation Officers (DPOs) assigned to the Juvenile Services Division or the Coastal Valley Academy (CVA) refer youth to a variety of programs and/or services. For quality assurance and ongoing statistical analysis and reporting, the Department tracks the status of each referral by use of Enrollments, Conditions, and Flags in Monitor.
Enrollments are listed by “Group” consisting of Programs and Referrals that are broken down into more specific detail under the “Type” and “Agency” dropdown menus. Depending on the specific Enrollment, Legal Clerks (LCs), DPOs or Supervising Deputy Probation Officers (SDPOs) are required to open and/or close an Enrollment.
Conditions are added into Monitor by a LC when processing court orders. Depending on the specific condition, LCs or DPOs are required to close the condition.
Flags are added into Monitor by LCs, DPOs, or SDPOs to alert officers of safety concerns, such as gang involvement or history of weapons. Flags also serve as reminders when DNA collection is required or to identify when a case has an override or is a paperless file. DPOs are required to close the Flags once the task has been completed or when the Flag is no longer relevant.
Specific Procedure
- Enrollments
- Programs
Responsibility for Program Enrollments is described below. Whoever is responsible for the Program Enrollment shall complete all required (blue) fields in Monitor including Group, Type, Agency, To start, and Result. In addition, the Start field shall be entered when opening the Program Enrollment and the To end and End fields shall be updated when closing the Program Enrollment.
- Legal Clerks (LCs)
- AltDetention: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders regarding home supervision, electronic monitoring, home restriction or some combination thereof. Select Pending in the Result field when opening and either Success or Failed when closing.
- 654DIVERSION: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when a Diversion case is closed satisfactorily and sealed. To Start and Start date is the date the LE Sealing Letter 786.5 is sent to the LE agency. The To end date is 60 days from when the letter was mailed. Result will be “Pending”. The End date is the date the Compliance with Sealing Juvenile Record is received from the LE agency. Result will be “Success” once the compliance has been received.
- CVA_TxProgram: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders for participation in or removal from the Coastal Valley Academy. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- DJJ: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders committing youth to DJJ or re-entering youth to community supervision following DJJ commitment or after receiving notice that a youth has aged out of DJJ. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and “Discharged” when closing.
- SOAR: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders of youth with an adjudication for a 707(b) offense. Select Agency, which will be either “23 MAX” or “25 MAX” based on the maximum age of jurisdiction. To start and Start is the date of the Dispositional Hearing order. To end is the 23rd or 25th birthday, maximum age of jurisdiction. End is the date the youth’s probation case is closed. Result field will be “Pending” when opening and “Success” or “Failed” will be entered at the time probation is closed.
- SOAR_SecTrak: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders when a youth is ordered to the secure track. Select Agency, which will be either “23 MAX” or “25 MAX” based on maximum age of jurisdiction, To start and Start is the date of Dispositional Hearing order, To end is the 23rd or 25th birthday, maximum age of jurisdiction. End is the date the youth’s probation case is closed. Result field will be “Pending” when opening and “Success” or “Failed” will be entered at the time probation is closed.
- SYTF_JH: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders when a youth is ordered to the Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF) at the Juvenile Hall. Select Agency, SYTF-JH. To start and Start is the date the youth begins the commitment in the SYTF at the Juvenile Hall. To end is the baseline term of confinement. End is when the youth is released from the SYTF. Result field will be “Pending” when opening and “Success” or “Failed” will be entered at the time the youth is released from the SYTF.
- SYTF_Other: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders when a youth is ordered to a SYTF in another county. Select Agency, SYTF_Other. To start and Start is the date the youth begins the commitment at the out of county SYTF. To end is the baseline term of confinement. End is when the youth is released from the out of county SYTF. Result field will be “Pending” when opening and “Success” or “Failed” will be entered at the time the youth is released from the out of county SYTF.
- Placement: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders starting or ending a foster care placement episode. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- Dual602/300: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders identifying Probation as the lead agency for dual jurisdiction case.
- Dual300/602: LCs are responsible for opening/closing when processing court orders identifying Child Welfare as the lead agency for dual jurisdiction case.
- Supervising Deputy Probation Officers (SDPOs)
- JuvCasePlan: SDPOs are responsible for opening/closing based on requirements in the Juvenile Division Case Plan Procedure for General, Placement, CVA, or SOAR case plans. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “OnTime_CP” or “Late_CP” when closing.
- Referrals
Responsibility for Referral Enrollments is described below. Whoever is responsible for the Referral Enrollment shall complete all required (blue) fields in Monitor including Group, Type, Agency, To start, and Result. In addition, unless stated otherwise the Start field shall be entered when opening the Referral Enrollment and the To end and End fields shall be updated when closing the Referral Enrollment.
- LCs are responsible for opening/closing:
- CVA_Aftercare: When processing court orders for participation in or removal from CVA with dosage information, obtained from CVA Youth Participation Form, included in HoursComptd field. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- CVA_Core: When processing CVA Youth Participation Forms - Curriculum which indicate a youth has completed CVA_PRE_Tx and closing when either processing court orders for removal from CVA or when the curriculum form indicates that a youth has completed CVA_Core. Dosage information, obtained from curriculum form submitted by curriculum facilitator(s), shall be included in HoursComptd field. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- CVA_Family: When processing court orders for participation in or removal from CVA. Dosage information, obtained from CVA Youth Participation Form - Treatment submitted by a CVA Therapist may be included in HoursComptd field. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- CVA_Individual: When processing court orders for participation in or removal from CVA, Dosage information, obtained from CVA Youth Participation Form - Treatment submitted by a CVA Therapist may be included in HoursComptd field. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- CVA_PRE_Tx: When processing court orders for participation in or removal from CVA, or when CVA Youth Participation Forms - Curriculum indicating a youth has completed CVA_PRE_Tx. Dosage information, obtained from CVA Youth Participation Forms - Curriculum submitted by curriculum facilitator(s), shall be included in HoursComptd field. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- CVA_Skills: When processing court orders for participation in or removal from CVA. Dosage information, obtained from CVA Youth Participation Forms - Curriculum submitted by curriculum facilitator(s) may be included in HoursComptd field.
- CVA_SubUse: When processing CVA Youth Participation Forms - Curriculum indicating substance abuse module 1 session 1 and closing when processing court orders for removal from CVA or when a CVA Youth Participation Form - Curriculum indicates a youth has completed substance abuse module 4 session 2. Dosage information, obtained from CVA Youth Participation Form - Curriculum submitted by curriculum facilitator(s), shall be included in HoursComptd field. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- FosterCare: Based on start/end dates of individual foster care placements (not including group homes or STRTPs) for youth under a foster care placement episode. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- GroupHome: Based on start/end dates of individual group homes or STRTP placements for youth under a foster care placement episode. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- JUV_CASA: When processing court orders imposing or vacating a CASA educational advocate, educational representative, foster youth advocate or mentor (refer to Juvenile Division CASA Procedure). Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and “Inactive” when closing.
- WRAP: Based on processing of Wraparound Services referrals through Wrap 1, Wrap 2 and IPC documents. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- Juv_Journaling_Grp: When processing court orders for participation in Forward Thinking Journaling (FTJ). Select “FTJ CRT Order” in the Agency field and select “Pending” in the Result field when opening.NOTE: DPO will close the Referral Enrollment once the youth starts the program.
- JUV_RDP: When processing court orders and or referrals from DPOs for participation in Restorative Dialogue Program (RDP) based on a youth’s participation in Restorative Conferencing (Victim Offender Dialogue VOD), Parent Teen Mediation (PTM), or Youth Conflict Mediation (YCM).
- LC enters “To Start and Start” date when processing court orders and select “Pending” in Result
- DPO forwards referral to LC for processing
- LC updates the enrollment with date of referral in the ‘Referred’ section
- LC submit referral to CM
- Creative Mediation (CM) will advise date of start
- LC update and change the “Start” date to reflect the actual date services started.
- LC will close the enrollment, based on advisement from CM that the youth completed or did not complete the assessment. LC will then change the “Result” to “Success or Failed”. If successful include CWS credits in “HoursComptd” field at closure. NOTE: CWS credit allowed for VOD 15 hours; CWS credit allowed for PTM/YCM 10 hours.
- DPOs are responsible for opening/closing:
- CVA_CFT: Based on youth on their caseloads’ participation in identified Child and Family Team (CFT) meetings as part of CVA. Referral is to include names of team members in Notes section. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- JUV_CFT: Based on youth on their caseloads’ participation in identified Child and Family Team (CFT) Meetings as part of Wraparound, foster care placement, intensive mental health services (FSP, ICC, IHBS) or court ordered supervision cases based on their risk level. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing. In the “Notes” include names of all team members.
- JUV_Family: Based on youth on their caseloads’ participation in family intervention services. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- Juv_Journal_Grp: Based on the youth starting FTJ the DPO will close the Referral Enrollment by updating the “Start, To end and End” date and select “Success” in the Result field when they start journaling.
- JUV_Journal: Based on youth on their caseloads’ participation in Forward Thinking Journaling (FTJ). Each FTJ module a youth participates in requires a separate Referral Enrollment. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- JUV_MH: Based on youth on their caseloads’ participation in identified mental health services. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- JUV_SubUse: Based on youth on their caseloads’ participation in identified substance use services. Select “Pending” in the Result field when opening and either “Success” or “Failed” when closing.
- Medical Insurance: Based on youth’s/family’s medical insurance status. Select “Active” or “Inactive” in the Result field when opening or closing.
- Conditions
- LCs
- AltDetention: Close the Condition when closing the Program Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
- DJJ: Close the Condition when closing the Program Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
- Placement: Close the Condition when closing the Program Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
- uv_CASA: Close the Condition when closing the Referral Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
- LCs
- DPOs
- Juv_Family: Close the Condition when closing the Referral Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
- Juv_Journal: Close the Condition when closing the Referral Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
- Juv_MH: Close the Condition when closing the Referral Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
- Juv_RDP: Close the Condition by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields once the LC closes the Referral Enrollment. Remember to update the Community Work Service (CWS) Condition for service hours based upon the hours entered in the “HoursComptd” field of the Referral Enrollment. Note: Youth can receive up to 15 hours of CWS for completing Restorative Conferencing (VOD), 10 hours for completing PTM, and 10 hours for completing YCM.
- Juv_SubUse: Close the Condition when closing the Referral Enrollment by selecting “Completed” in the Result field and entering the end date in the “End” and “Actual end” fields.
Example TO CLOSE A CONDITION: Go to the Condition Tab and select the condition you would like to close. Enter the Actual End date, Result, Notes and then Save.
- Flags
The following examples are not a complete list of possible Flags, but rather reflect standard Flags which should be included, if applicable.
- LCs
- Paperless File: When a file is paperless
- DNA Needed: When processing a court order which requires a youth submit to DNA Collection
- Title4E_Eligible: When processing a foster care removal order
- Override: Whenever a case has a contact standard which differs from the youth’s YLS-CMI score
- DPOs
- DPOs are responsible for maintaining Flags by ensuring the Flags are current/relevant or closing them out if they are no longer necessary/appropriate
- Officer Safety: Whenever a concern has been identified (e.g., access to weapons, history of violence/running, dogs on property, etc.)
- Suicide Risk: Whenever a youth has been placed on a 5585 hold
- DNA Collected: Once the youth’s DNA Sample has been collected. Be sure to close the DNA Needed Flag by entering the collection date in the End field and selecting the appropriate answer from the “Reason for end” dropdown menu.
TO ADD A “FLAG”: Flags can be added into Monitor by selecting the Client tab and then selecting the Client Flags tab listed on the Client ID tab. Click the “New” button to create a new flag or select an existing flag to edit/close. When opening, remember to enter the start date in the “Start” field and click the “Active” button before clicking “Save.” When closing a Flag in Monitor be sure to enter the end date in the “End” field and click the “Active” button to deselect before clicking “Save.”
STEP 1: Go to the Client; Client ID; Client Flag and click on “New”.
STEP 2: Enter the Flag, Start, Comment. Then make sure the Active box is selected before clicking Save.
STEP 1: Select the Flag that you are going to close
STEP 2: Enter the End date and Reason to end. Make sure the Active box is not checked before clicking Save.
Law Enforcement Sealing Letter tracking |
LCs |
Open when LEA sealing letter sent/Close when compliance letter received back from LEA |
Success |
AltDetention |
Home Supervision, Electronic Monitoring, Home Restriction or some combination thereof |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
CVA_Aftercare |
Participation in CVA Aftercare |
LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
Participation in Child and Family Team Meetings as part of CVA |
DPOs |
Open/Close based on youth participation Include names of team members in Notes field |
Success or Failed |
CVA_Core |
Participation in CVA Core Curriculum |
LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close when processing court orders, or CVA Youth Participation Form – Curriculum |
Success or Failed |
CVA_Family |
Participation in CVA Family Counseling |
LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close when processing court orders, or CVA Youth Participation Form – Treatment |
Success or Failed |
CVA_Individual |
Participation in CVA Individual Counseling |
LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close when processing court orders, or CVA Youth Participation Form – Treatment |
Success or Failed |
Participation in CVA Pre-Treatment Curriculum |
LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close when processing court orders, or CVA Youth Participation Form – Curriculum |
Success or Failed |
CVA_Skills |
Participation in CVA Skills Curriculum |
LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close when processing court orders, or CVA Youth Participation Form – Curriculum |
Success or Failed |
CVA_SubUse |
Participation in CVA Substance Abuse Curriculum |
LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close when processing court orders, or CVA Youth Participation Form – Curriculum |
Success or Failed |
CVA_TxProgram |
Participation in or Removal from the Coastal Valley Academy |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
Commitment to, Reentering community supervision from, or aging out of Department of Juvenile Justice |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Discharged |
Youth with an adjudicated WIC 707(b) offense |
LC’s |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
SOAR_SecTrak |
Youth with a secure track Disposition |
LC’s |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
Youth with a secure track commitment to the SLO Juvenile Hall |
LC’s |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
SYTF_Other |
Youth with a secure track commitment to an out of the county SYTF |
LC’s |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
FosterCare |
Opening/Closing based on start/end dates of individual foster care placements (not including group homes or STRTPs) |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
GroupHome |
Opening/Closing based on start/end dates of individual group home placement or STRTP |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
Appointment of or removal of CASA Representative or Mentor |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
Participation in Cognitive Based Therapy Services |
DPOs |
Open/Close based on youth participation |
Success or Failed |
Participation in CFT Meetings as part of Wraparound, foster care placement, or intensive mental health services (FSP, ICC, IHBS) |
DPOs |
Open/Close based on youth participation Include names of team members in Notes field |
Success or Failed |
JUV_Family |
Participation in family intervention services |
DPOs |
Open/Close based on youth/family participation |
Success or Failed |
JUV_Journal |
Participation in individual Forward Thinking Journals |
DPOs |
Yes |
Open/Close based on youth participation |
Success or Failed |
JUV_Journaling_GRP |
Opening/Closing of Forward Thinking Journaling services |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
Participation in mental health services |
DPOs |
Open/Close based on youth participation |
Success or Failed |
Participation in Restorative Dialog Programming |
DPOs & LCs |
Yes |
Open/Close based on youth participation |
Success or Failed |
JUV_SubUse |
Participation in substance use services |
DPOs |
Open/Close based on youth participation |
Success or Failed |
JuvCasePlan |
CVA, General, Placement, or TCM case plans |
Open/Close of case plan |
OnTime_CP or Late_CP |
Medical Insurance |
Youth’s/Family’s Medical Insurance status |
DPOs |
Assessing youth’s/family’s eligibility for MAA related services |
Active or Inactive |
Placement |
Opening/Closing of foster care placement episode |
LCs |
Open/Close when processing court orders |
Success or Failed |
Opening/Closing of Wraparound Services |
LCs |
Processing Wrap 1, Wrap 2, or IPC documents |
Success or Failed |