Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
4.14 Internship Program
Location | Division Wide |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 4.14 Internship Program |
Purpose | Establish a procedure for the use of Cal Poly Interns in the Juvenile and Adult Divisions |
Effective Date | 1/1/2020 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
The goal of the County of San Luis Obispo Probation Department Internship Program is to provide interested Cal Poly students with meaningful community corrections work experience while also supporting probation operations in the Juvenile and Adult Divisions.
- General Program Description
The Internship Program lasts a minimum of two quarters. Students are expected to complete a minimum of 90 hours of work experience each quarter (approximately 10 hours per week) in order to receive academic credit through Cal Poly. The program requires both a signed intern contract with Cal Poly and Probation. It also requires students to submit an internship application, complete a background process, complete and return specific forms, and attend some mandatory county and departmental training.
The Field Supervision Unit Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) from the Juvenile Services Division serves as the Internship Program Coordinator (PC). The Juvenile Services Division Chief Deputy Probation Officer (CDPO) serves as the administrator over the Internship Program. Interns are assigned to designated units in the Adult and Juvenile Divisions following completion of a two-week orientation and training period. The units will provide additional job specific training and day-to-day supervision and support. Interns are provided with a tour of Probation Department facilities, including Juvenile Hall, and will have the opportunity to shadow Juvenile Services Officers and/or participate in a ride-along with a Deputy Probation Officer.
- Application and Onboarding
- Internship Program applications will be accepted year-round by Probation Personnel.
- Probation Personnel shall open an intern file upon receipt of a completed application.
- Probation Personnel shall send a copy of the application to the PC by email.
- The PC shall conduct an interview with the applicant and confirm with the applicant that he/she is a current Cal Poly student and plans to complete a Cal Poly Internship Contract.
- If the PC determines the applicant is an appropriate intern candidate AND there is an available internship assignment for the next quarter, the PC will have the applicant complete a Probation Internship Contract and provide a copy of the contract to the Cal Poly Internship Coordinator.
- The PC shall obtain a copy of the applicant’s Cal Poly Internship Contract
- The PC shall refer the applicant to the Professional Standards Unit (PSU) for completion of an intern background check.
- The PSU shall send an email to the PC and Probation Personnel with the results of the background check.
- If the applicant does not pass the background check, the PC shall notify the intern and Probation Personnel will close out the intern file.
- If the applicant passes the background check, PC shall notify the applicant and Probation Personnel of the internship start date.
- Probation Personnel shall complete the Probation Intern New Hire Checklist.
- Includes requesting the PSU schedule DHP training and create an intern ID
- Orientation, Initial Training and Assignment
- Interns shall report to the PC for the first two weeks of the quarter they are on-boarded for orientation and initial training.
- Orientation shall include at a minimum a tour of Probation Department facilities and review of the Department organizational chart.
- Initial training shall include at a minimum a juvenile probation overview, adult probation overview, confidentiality and CJIS.
- The PC shall assign interns to one of the designated intern assignments, based on fit and need, and the intern will report to the Supervising Deputy Probation Officer (SDPO) of the unit of assignment following completion of the two-week orientation/training period.
- Intern assignments are designated to Departmental units as follows:
- Adult Limited Supervision
- Adult Treatment Court
- Juvenile Court
- Juvenile Field Supervision
- Juvenile Placement and Commitment
- Additional unit assignments may be added to this list with prior approval of the CDPO of the Internship Program
- Interns shall report to the PC for the first two weeks of the quarter they are on-boarded for orientation and initial training.
- Ongoing Training, Supervision and Evaluation
- The unit SDPO is responsible for assignment specific training and other training as needed for the intern.
- SDPO can arrange for intern to attend scheduled Departmental trainings with approval from a CDPO.
- SDPO shall provide opportunity for intern to observe adult or juvenile court based on division of assignment.
- The unit SDPO is responsible for day-to-day supervision and evaluation of intern.
- SDPO is responsible for ensuring the intern is provided meaningful work experience and has a clear understanding of their job duties.
- SDPO is responsible for making sure that no more than 20% of the intern’s time is spent on administrative support work (AKA “busy work” such as filing, covering the phone/front desk, running errands, etc…)
- SDPO may assign an intern to work directly with specific Deputy Probation Officer(s) as needed/appropriate.
- SDPO is responsible for making sure intern completes Probation Intern Hours Log.
- SDPO is responsible for emailing PC by the end of 5th and 9th weeks of the quarter with a summary of the intern’s work experience, including hours worked and general performance.
- The PC is responsible for completing quarterly intern evaluations.
- The PC shall complete an evaluation for each student intern every quarter of participation.
- Evaluations shall be forwarded to the Cal Poly Sociology Internship Coordinator prior to finals week each quarter.
- The unit SDPO is responsible for assignment specific training and other training as needed for the intern.
- Exiting and Reporting
- The PC is responsible for ensuring that interns are properly exited from the intern program including reporting to both Probation Personnel and Cal Poly.
- The PC shall notify Probation Personnel by email that a student’s internship has ended or is ending no later than the last week of the quarter of separation.
- Probation Personnel shall complete an Intern Separation Checklist.
- The PC shall notify the Cal Poly Sociology Internship Coordinator by email when an internship has ended.
- If the internship ended prior to the planned 2-quarter completion date, the PC shall include in the email the reasons for the internship ending early (i.e. attendance, poor performance, etc…)