UPDATE: Construction of the El Camino Real Bridge Replacement Project
Author: Public Works
Date: 5/30/2024 4:21 PM
SANTA MARGARITA – On Friday, May 31, 2024, the County of San Luis Obispo will switch traffic onto the newly installed temporary bridge on El Camino Real at Santa Margarita Creek as part of the El Camino Bridge Replacement Project.
The public can expect to reduce speeds through the new detour and may experience delays of up to 10 minutes through the construction zone, which is expected to last until November.
The bridge is located between Santa Margarita and Atascadero. Souza Construction began installing the temporary bridge and detours on May 13, 2024, in preparation for the demolition of the existing structure.
Once traffic is shifted onto the temporary bridge, the existing bridge will be demolished, and the new bridge will be constructed in its place. Traffic will be re-routed onto the new bridge and the temporary bridge will be removed in the fall of 2024.
This project will replace a bridge that has reached the end of its useful life and improve roadway safety by providing a new center turn-lane and adding wider paved shoulders for vehicle and bicycle safety. In addition to the bridge replacement, the project will relocate a portion of the Nacimiento Water Pipeline onto the new bridge.
Souza Construction has been awarded the contract for approximately $6.9M to perform the work. The project is funded by the Federal Highway Administration via grant funding administered by the Caltrans Highway Bridge Program and local funds.
Please see map for location.
(5/9/2024) Construction of the El Camino Real Bridge Replacement Project