Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual
3.30 Telecommuting Procedure
Location | Human Resources |
Section | N/A |
Subject | 3.30 Telecommuting Procedure |
Purpose | Establish standard manner to authorize and review annually telecommuting requests and approvals. |
Effective Date | 9/27/2018 12:00 AM |
Previous Effective Date | 1/1/0001 12:00 AM |
Regular Telecommuting:
Authorized employees will adhere to the County Telecommuting Policy.
- Employees interested in telecommuting will consult with the supervisor regarding appropriateness of telecommuting based on their assignment.
- If the supervisor agrees it is in the best interest of the Department, they will request the employee submit the Telecommuting Agreement Form to them.
- Supervisors will review Telecommuting Agreement Forms for completeness.
- A completed Telecommuter Self-Inspection Safety Checklist must be reviewed and signed by the supervisor.
- Supervisors will route Telecommuting Agreement Forms with their signature and employee’s signature to the Chief Probation Officer for approval.
- Approved Telecommuting Agreement Forms will be recorded in the Telecommuting/VPN access log by the Chief’s Executive Assistant and distributed as follows:
- Original to the employee’s administrative file
- Copies to Department DAS III, Risk Management, Auditor’s Office, employee’s supervisor and employee
- A change of an employee’s work assignment and supervisor, will require a re-authorization of an existing Telecommuting Agreement.
- Employees will ensure the unit scheduler accurately reflect the telecommuting hours worked in the week.
- New Telecommuting request will be completed annually in January.
Ad-Hoc Telecommuting:
“Ad-hoc” telecommuting is defined as one day or less of telecommuting per month.
- Chief Deputies may recommend, by email, an employee’s ad-hoc telecommuting request to the Assistant Chief Probation Officer (ACPO).
- The ACPO will approve/disapprove ad-hoc telecommuting requests to the Chief Deputy.
- Each separate incident of ad-hoc telecommuting must be approved by the ACPO.
- The Assistant Chief will maintain a log of all ad-hoc telecommuting requests.