Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

3.30 Telecommuting Procedure

Location Human Resources
Section N/A
Subject 3.30 Telecommuting Procedure
Purpose Establish standard manner to authorize and review annually telecommuting requests and approvals.
Effective Date 9/27/2018 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM

Regular Telecommuting:

Authorized employees will adhere to the County Telecommuting Policy.

  1. Employees interested in telecommuting will consult with the supervisor regarding appropriateness of telecommuting based on their assignment.
  2. If the supervisor agrees it is in the best interest of the Department, they will request the employee submit the Telecommuting Agreement Form to them.
  3. Supervisors will review Telecommuting Agreement Forms for completeness.
  4. A completed Telecommuter Self-Inspection Safety Checklist must be reviewed and signed by the supervisor.
  5. Supervisors will route Telecommuting Agreement Forms with their signature and employee’s signature to the Chief Probation Officer for approval.
  6. Approved Telecommuting Agreement Forms will be recorded in the Telecommuting/VPN access log by the Chief’s Executive Assistant and distributed as follows:
    • Original to the employee’s administrative file
    • Copies to Department DAS III, Risk Management, Auditor’s Office, employee’s supervisor and employee
  7. A change of an employee’s work assignment and supervisor, will require a re-authorization of an existing Telecommuting Agreement.
  8. Employees will ensure the unit scheduler accurately reflect the telecommuting hours worked in the week.
  9. New Telecommuting request will be completed annually in January. 

Ad-Hoc Telecommuting:

“Ad-hoc” telecommuting is defined as one day or less of telecommuting per month.

  1. Chief Deputies may recommend, by email, an employee’s ad-hoc telecommuting request to the Assistant Chief Probation Officer (ACPO).
  2. The ACPO will approve/disapprove ad-hoc telecommuting requests to the Chief Deputy.
  3. Each separate incident of ad-hoc telecommuting must be approved by the ACPO.
  4. The Assistant Chief will maintain a log of all ad-hoc telecommuting requests.