Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

3.17 Annual Required Forms

Location Human Resources
Section N/A
Subject 3.17 Annual Required Forms
Purpose Establish a standard for the completion and collection of Annual Required Forms to keep compliance with the Probation Department, County of San Luis Obispo, and the State of California’s requirements.
Effective Date 1/1/2019 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM

Annual Required Forms Oversight Responsibilities

  1. The Probation Department’s HR SAC II and DPTs will file, maintain and audit hard copies of signed and completed Annual Required Forms. The current year will be stored as a hard copy of the documents and prior years stored electronically in the Casa Loma DPT’s office.
  2. Annually, on January 2nd, the Department’s HR SAC II will notify staff via email to complete and return the forms. Forms are to be printed and filled out accordingly, and returned within a two-week window, on January 16th.
  3. The Department’s HR SAC II and DPTs will audit returned forms and will notify staff if any forms are incomplete via email. 

Annual Required forms overview

  1. Countywide Information Security Program Acceptable Use Policy.
    1. This policy will be provided to staff to review and sign. To complete, print the last page (page 13) of the attached policy, fill out the required fields, sign and returned to the DPT at Casa Loma.
  2. Annual Employee Driver Agreement.
    1. The Rules for the Use of Vehicles on County Business Annual Employee Review form will be provided to staff via email. To complete the form, all bullet-points must be initialed, the employee’s printed name, signature, dated and returned to the DPT at Casa Loma.
  3. DMV Information Security Statement.
    1. This form will be provided to staff via email. To complete, the form must include the employee’s printed name, signature, dated and returned to the DPT at Casa Loma.
  4. Information for Emergency Use form.
    1. Per the Probation Department’s Personal Information Policy, Section VII – Personnel, staff will complete and return this form annually as specified in this procedure.
    2. The form will be provided to staff via email and is fillable on the computer or can be hand written once printed out.
  5. CLETS Employee/Volunteer Statement.
    1. Per the State of California’s Department of Justice, this form is a biennial requirement, however best practice is to complete the form annually. The Department has chosen to follow the best practice.
    2. This form will be provided to employees via email. To complete, the form must include the employee’s signature, printed name, dated and returned to the DPT at Casa Loma.
  6. Mobile Device (Cellphone) Policy Acknowledgement
    1. Probation Department employees that have been issued a County-Owned Mobile Device are required to complete the Mobile Device Policy Acknowledgement annually.
    2. This form will be emailed to the specific employees that are in possession of a County-owned mobile device. To complete the printed form, employees must include their signature and printed name, their work phone, and the Department name.


  1. Myslo/Employee Information/Information Security Program/Policies. Information Security Program Policies. Page 6, section 4.
    1. MySLO/ Employee Information/ Information Security Program/Policies. Information Security Program Master and Acceptable Use Policies. Signature form located on page 13.
  2. MySlo/Risk Management/County Safety Site/Policies and Responsibilities/Vehicle Rule Book
    1. MySlo/Human Resources/Forms.
  3. MYSlo/Information Technology/DMV Security Statement
  4. F: Policies/Section VII – Personnel/Singed Personal Information, section V.
  5. F: DesktopGuides/Training/CJIS Security Policy, Section 5.2, page 20.
  6. MySlo/Auditor-Controller/Cellular Telephone Policy and Forms/Cellular Telephone Policy, page 7.