Probation Department Policy/Procedure Manual

3.32 Voluntary Time Off (VTO) Request Procedure

Location Human Resources
Section N/A
Subject 3.32 Voluntary Time Off (VTO) Request Procedure
Purpose To create an internal process for requesting and approving VTO.
Effective Date 8/17/2020 12:00 AM
Previous Effective Date 1/1/0001 12:00 AM


During this time of County Budget fiscal shortages, the County Administrative Office has approved the use of Voluntary Time Off as a County and Department cost savings measure. Above in the References/Attachments section is a hyperlink describing the VTO program and policy.

General Procedure

  1. Staff who have passed their initial probationary period with the County who would like to utilize VTO are to email their supervisor with their request to include the date(s) they want to be gone.
  2. The supervisor will evaluate the impact to their unit and determine if they will support or not support their staff’s request to utilize VTO.  If the supervisor does not support the request, the supervisor will outline why they do not support the request.  The supervisor will forward the email with their recommendation to their Chief Deputy/Department Administrator.
  3. The Chief Deputy/Department Administrator will evaluate the impact to their Division and determine if they will support or not support their staff’s request to utilize VTO.  If the Chief Deputy/Department Administrator does not support the request, the Chief Deputy/Department Administrator will outline why they do not support the request.  The Chief Deputy/Department Administrator will forward the email with their recommendation to the Chief Probation Officer (CPO)/Designee with a cc to the employee’s supervisor. 
  4. The CPO/Designee will evaluate the staff’s request to utilize VTO.  If the employee’s supervisor and/or Chief Deputy/Department Administrator do not support the request for VTO and the CPO/Designee is considering approving the request, the CPO/Designee may talk with the supervisor/Chief Deputy/Department Administrator who does not support the request to obtain further information.  The CPO/Designee will make the final decision.  The CPO/Designee will email the Department Personnel Technician (DPT) who oversees the Division the employee is working in with their decision of granting or denying the request for utilizing VTO.  The CPO will cc the employee’s supervisor and Chief Deputy/Department Administrator.
  5. The employee’s supervisor will inform the employee of the final decision.  If the CPO/Designee approves of the request, the DPT will email the employee the instructions on how to submit their eForm through NeoGov once the employee’s supervisor emails the DPT that the employee has been informed.

Instructions for completing the NeoGov VTO eForm

Below are the instructions for staff requesting VTO of how to submit their request through NeoGov.

Click on this hyperlink to go into NeoGov:

Scroll down and click on, “Voluntary Time Off (VTO)…” as shown on the below screen print.

Picture1.pngClick on, “Start Process” and fill out the form.  Some of the fields will auto-populate.  Follow the instructions once you have completed the form to send the form to your supervisor.
