Sustainable Groundwater Management and Planning
Sustainable Groundwater Management and Planning

Upcoming Public Meetings on Sustainable Groundwater Management and Planning for the San Luis Obispo

Author: Public Works
Date: 9/1/2020 9:50 AM

The County of San Luis Obispo in partnership with the City of San Luis Obispo and the Groundwater Sustainability Commission (GSC) invite basin pumpers and interested community members to join two online public meetings on the development of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for the San Luis Obispo Valley Groundwater Basin (SLO Basin).

GSC Regular Meeting

September 9, 2020 at 3:30 p.m.

This GSC meeting will provide an opportunity for the community to learn about and provide feedback on GSP development for the SLO Basin including:

  • Development of Sustainability Goals
  • Details of Sustainability Management Criteria and Measurable Objectives
  • Design of Monitoring Network

This meeting will be conducted as a phone-in/web-based meeting only. Members  of  the public  can  participate  via  phone  for  audio only  connection  by  dialing  (224) 501-3412  and  entering  access  code 950-902-253, or by logging into the online meeting for an audio and video connection at

Online Educational Webinar/Workshop #3 on GSP Development for the SLO Basin

October 1, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.

***Registration is required for this virtual workshop***

To register, please visit

This online interactive webinar/workshop will continue to further discuss and refine the sustainability management criteria for each representative monitoring site and undesirable result.


All interested stakeholders are encouraged to participate and help guide the GSP development process. To  access the agendas and meeting materials, or for more information about the SLO Basin, please visit