Rain Barrel Basics Workshop November 13, 2021
Rain Barrel Basics Workshop November 13, 2021

“Rain Barrel Basics” Workshop On Saturday, November 13 at Farm Supply Company, San Luis Obispo

Author: Public Works
Date: 10/28/2021 9:51 AM

A panel of experts will cover the essentials of installing and operating a rainwater collection system including rain barrel components, irrigation tips and techniques, and mosquito prevention.

“If you’ve been wondering about how to get started or are curious about rainwater collection, this is a great opportunity to get your questions answered and do some hands-on learning,” noted Cara Crye, President of Farm Supply Company. Staff from the UC Master Gardeners Program, Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District, County Environmental Health Department and Farm Supply Company Irrigation Department will be in attendance to support the event. Registration for the free event is available now through Eventbrite digital ticketing service.

Following a year with record low rainfall amounts and declining reservoir levels the County of San Luis Obispo (County) is inviting residents to learn more about rainwater harvesting and rain barrel installation. “With drought severity worsening across the State and a still uncertain outlook for the coming winter, now is a great time to install a rain barrel,” said Kate Ballantyne, Deputy Director of County Public Works. “The County is excited to be working with our local partners to encourage water conservation now, not later.”

Additionally, new rain barrel safety stickers are available for owners of existing rainwater collection systems. “We’re aware that many community members have been successfully operating rainwater collection systems throughout the County for years - which is wonderful,” noted Ann Gillespie, County Stormwater Coordinator. The bi-lingual safety stickers include an advisory that stored rainwater should only be used for outdoor irrigation and is not potable water for consumption. “These stickers are meant to help existing rainwater collection systems comply with California Plumbing Code requirements and promote safe use of rainwater in outdoor settings.” Stickers are available at the Cambria, Templeton, and Los Osos Community Service District offices, and through the UC Master Gardeners program and County Public Works.

For additional information about the Rain Barrel Basics workshop please contact
Ann Gillespie at (805)781-5259 or [email protected].