Shelter At Home Guidelines
Author: Public Health Department
Date: 3/19/2020 3:40 PM
A Shelter At Home Order has been issued for San Luis Obispo County beginning tonight at 5 p.m. This notice is to address the impact on our community and provide guidance during this challenging time.
Disclaimer: This information may be outdated. For the most recent guidance and case details, visit SLOPublicHealth.org/covid19.
A Shelter At Home Order has been issued for San Luis Obispo County beginning tonight at 5 p.m. This notice is to address the impact on our community and provide guidance during this challenging time.
A detailed listing of the types of businesses that may remain open as well as those that shall be closed is posted on SLOPublicHealth.org/covid19.
“Using the term shelter at home is to ask people to help slow the spread of infection and is an enhancement of social distancing,” says County Health Officer Dr. Penny Borenstein, “It does not literally mean that people should not leave their homes for essential activities or fresh air and exercise.”
The Order is intended to limit activity, travel, and business functions to the most basic and essential needs. Social distancing requirements should be followed at all times. People are asked to avoid gatherings outside of their homes and immediate families. The Order does not prohibit people from going for walks, hikes, or runs; going surfing; attending medical, dental, or veterinary appointments (please call your provider first); going to the grocery store or pharmacy; getting take-out and delivery from restaurants; gardening, or doing yardwork.
However, group gathering must be avoided to limit the spread of this disease.
The order is in effect until April 17, 2020 and will be reevaluated every two weeks. We are asking for your cooperation during this time. By working together, we will get through this. We encourage you to call, text, or video chat your friends, families, and neighbors. We encourage you to call and check on your elderly friends, families, and neighbors, especially those who may be self-isolating.
Information about COVID-19 and the Shelter At Home Order is available at SLOPublicHealth.org/covid19 or by calling our Public Health Information Line at (805) 781-5500.