Cayucos Beach Sunset

Input Needed for County-Wide Parks Study

Author: Shaun Cooper
Date: 3/28/2018 8:27 AM

Residents Encouraged to Take Survey on Parks, Recreation, and Trails

The County of San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation Department invites you to participate in a Public Survey for our Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment study. 

The County of San Luis Obispo has commissioned a Parks and Recreation Needs Assessment and Trends Analysis survey as part of an effort to gather information on the needs and wants of the community.  Input from the community is an important part of this process and helps the County to tailor priorities to reflect the community’s desires and needs.

A random sampling of residents has been invited to take a survey, and these responses will provide statistically valid results.  In addition, the County invited all residents to provide feedback and input through an open-link survey.

The results of this survey will provide critical information in determining community values, satisfaction levels, needs and priorities, and demographics for the County’s long-term planning efforts.  Questions will be asked about what types of programs, facilities, and services residents want in their parks system and where priorities should be placed.

This project is led by GreenPlay, LLC, with survey and data work done by RRC Associates. A final report is expected to be complete in June 2018.  The survey will be open for responses until April 14, 2018.