3.19 Timecards

Chapter 3
Section 3.19
Subject 3.19 Timecards
Effective Date 6/12/2023 12:00 AM
  1. Completing Timecards

    1. The accurate and timely completion of timecards is an important aspect of personnel management and enables the Probation Department to meet its payroll obligations to the County. 

    2. Individual employees are responsible for accurately completing and submitting their timecards in a timely manner.  The Probation Department has established a specific time period for facility employees to submit their timecards by Thursdays at 12:00 Noon.

    3. Supervising Deputy Probation Officers are responsible for accurately reviewing and approving submitted timecards by 3 pm on Friday. 

  2. Overtime / Comp Time Earned

    1. Employees are not to code their timecard for overtime pay or comp time earned unless expressly authorized to do so by the Chief Deputy of the Custody Division or their designee.

    2.  Employees will be granted overtime and comp time earned according to the terms of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement and in conjunction with the needs of the facility.