3.11 Facility Evacuation Plan

Chapter 3
Section 3.11
Subject 3.11 Facility Evacuation Plan
Effective Date 5/15/2023 12:00 AM

It may be necessary to evacuate part or all of the facility.  There are three levels of evacuation from the facility and secured perimeter, as follows:

  1. Code Yellow – This is used to move people out of a specific area of the building into other areas without going outside.  Staff on duty will direct such an evacuation.
  2. Code Red – This is used to move people out of the building.  Residents will be retained within the secure perimeter of the facility.  This will be directed by the on-duty Control JSO who will open the electronically-operated locks using the master switch and announcing over the PIM (red button) that a “Code Red evacuation is in effect.  Please move quietly and orderly to the outside.”  The telephone paging system will be used to advise the administration area.  See attached evacuation plan for routes.  Staff will be responsible to see that residents move in a proper and safe manner and that all residents are accounted for.
  3. Code Blue – This is used to disburse people away from the confines of the facility.  Opening the gates and the play fields and directing residents to move to the frontage road beyond the West end of the building or the parking lot at the East end of the building will accomplish it.  In this mode, custody is of secondary importance to safety.
  4. Evacuation Plan – all Juvenile Hall staff and youth will be evacuated to an area within the secure perimeter of the facility, such as the CVA, Center and West yards.  Alternate sites would be the frontage road beyond the West Yard or the JSC parking lot.  Evacuation to the frontage road will be accomplished by opening the West Yard gate and then the exterior perimeter gate.  Evacuation to the JSC parking lot site will be accomplished by opening the gate at the CVA yard perimeter fence leading to the fire road on the back of the facility.  This will lead to the east end of the facility, where the emergency vehicle gate will be opened. In this instance, custody is of secondary importance to safety.  In the event the Juvenile Hall cannot be returned to at full status, due to damage, the youth will be transported to an alternate facility pursuant to agreements established with adjoining counties and/or the sheriff’s department.
  5. High risk protocol – all high-risk youth as defined by the classification system, Chapter 3 Section 3-1 of this manual, will be supervised and escorted to the evacuation site by the On-Site Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader.  Prior to evacuation of these youths, the On-Site Supervising Deputy Probation Officer or Shift Leader will obtain restraint gear, and upon reaching the evacuation site will apply the restraint gear on the high-risk youths.  All high-risk youth will be designated on a list kept at the control desk.
  6. Medical staff will report to the Control Room Desk so they will be able to respond to any medical emergencies.
  7. In the event of a “code red” or “code blue” evacuation, DPOs in the administration area are expected to be responsible to:
    1. Ensure that all people are out of the administration section of the facility;
    2. Assist in the supervision of youth in detention; or
    3. Relieve Juvenile Hall staff that returned into the facility to conduct investigation, search for unaccounted residents or other tasks as necessary.